Originally Posted By: Angela P

In the meantime, just remember that the grass is always greener on the other side. Accentuate the positive. Since I'm childfree, I'm tend to focus on the positive aspects of it, which I don't need to list here. But of course, I, like many CF people, sometimes let my mind wander to "the other side of the fence," and wonder what my life would have been like with a little one or two. Since you were so honest about posting some of your true (less than stellar) feelings about being a mom, I'll confess to some thoughts I have at times I wish I knew what being a mom was like (and for more of these sentiments, visit the CF forum and look up the post on "My CF Confessions").

1. I will never have the experience of preparing a life inside me, rubbing my belly, nuturing the miracle God gave me until it's ready for the world.
2. It must be wonderful to be in the delivery room with your husband, preparing to see your son or daughter for the first time, holding hands and coming together in tears when he or she arrives.
3. To hold that little hand for the first time, look in your husband's eyes and reflect, "We made that..." must be a galactically beautiful feeling unmatched by anything we could ever experience.
4. Watching them grow and experience the world under your care must be really neat, too. I love teaching and watching little ones sponge up what I show them and what they see on their own.

Sorry if I sound too brutal here, but these confessions are exactly the kind of lies/ fantasies lots childfree women have to endure all their lives.
1) I was pregnant and never rubbed my belly. I hated being pregnant, and even when I tried to be nice it felt a very weird and fake thing to do.
2) It is not wonderful to be in a delivery room. Even women who are vocational moms can only lie if they say it is. I cried 35 hours, I only stopped when I got rid of the pain.
3) I didn`t smile for days. My first smiles were fake.
4) Thank God I am a little more positive in this respect.

If you think you are missing so much you are not childfree, you are just childless.