So yesterday I went to bed at 3:46 and after a few seconds there were flashing lights in my eyes (i think it was just in the right eye) and it got worst and worst, got up for a while then after a while more back in bed it slowly went away (in all it probably just was a few minutes), somehow I managed to sleep then woke up to my parents screaming at each others, did not fall back asleep, they both ran errands after 9:00 so got up to call the eye clinic in Matane we go to, the secretary said it could be serious which is when I really panicked, had an 11:15 appointment available but she hung up to talk to the doctor, I minutes later called my parents but they were separated so mom called me when dad got to her, I called the clinic, we got there less than six minutes before and luckily nothing wrong, we went to two stores (got a new pair of earrings since a few days ago i lost 1) then a restaurant between there and here, later that day mom installed for me a dreamcatcher above my bed, got a call from my agent at the job center, did the few things I do every day on the internet, that is basically it.

Last edited by Nancy Roussy; 08/04/18 12:08 PM.