Yesterday I went to bed at 3:28 and got up at 13:04. I deleted one picture, wrote a review of a seller on Amazon Canada, played Flash Ludo (technically did not - everytime i clicked on something a window opened so got out of there after the start) and Lightning, Stan Skates, changed one note, downloaded a new Java update, played Conquerors Of The Island (it froze before the game and did not start again), 12 Many, calculated one thing and wrote one note, deleted one link, played Lightning, had a problem with my internet (it was super weird - after clicking on internet explorer it took like a minute to connect then a long time to open the window and could not open a second window - i finally was able to write and send an email then it took me forever to deleted the cookies and all that and it also took forever for my computer to shut down - it looks like everything is ok but it feels weird and it had a weird almost hidden text in another language or not even a language when i got my mouse to the bar to enter this website), deleted one picture. It was a very bad night and a very bad day.