I probably heard this 50,000 times from family but it is actually happening today. “Those that are ruled will one day rule.” It is the people.

Those souls that are, we will say, at the bottom of society, in prison, in asylums, the abused, the mentally or physically imparted, and all others that might feel rejected, take heart !!!! Those at the top, the wealthy, the powerful, the all knowing and the devoted leaders to their cause also take heart. The working class, the common man, the struggling and the family providers take heart. People of all races, religions, differing colors of skin, and all cultures. Take heart!!!!!

Despite our current circumstances in our walks of life each one is an essential part of the whole. Even if we feel that we have wasted or squandered our lives we are no less than the most productive. We all hold an equal share and are never to be forgotten or left behind. I know this to be true.

Under the greatest persecution that we faced as a family we persevered and finally this knowledge can be shouted from the housetop. What ever happens from this day forward is truly of little consequence because we have the knowledge that we can never be lost no matter the wilds or deception of mankind. What ever happens to this being called dave is irrelevant as dave shares an equal part with all souls on earth and our sum is that whole being that lives forever. Whatever happens in days to come cannot remove who we are.

I truly wish that I had known Dr. M.L. King. Whether we are of a religious mindset or not he truly visualized all beings as being brothers and sisters and sharing all things in common. Bless his unselfish soul!!! My family never knew him and yet we came from the same stock and the same persecution and yet the same courage. Go Doc !!!!