We are reaching a critical time in history. On every side doubt or negativity seem to abound. Our world seems less secure on a daily basis. We try to hold on to things that don't "fill" the gap so to speak. Finding stability within the soul brings the only continuity that will sustain us. I know this first hand. I have tried to hide in the Great Mother, God ,The Creator, and several other deities but each of them say repeatedly "Stand in you." There is coming a time when YOU will be the only ground upon which to stand and it is soon." I do not like that, it is uncomfortable to say the least. I have asked time and time again why we cannot go on the way it was. I do know, however, that the greatest and most powerful secret has been hidden from us since almost the beginning of time. If we truly saw what was within us all doubts, sickness, low self esteem, and poverty would become a memory only. There would be no one without a home, happiness would be a way of life, food would be abundant and shared and we would speak health to each other and we would recover. Look at any happy successful people or those in nurturing leadership , they know what is truly within them. Those that know how to take only would depleat us and leave us impoverished and along the road to die. We, however, give and speak life from deep within our souls and there is ample room for everyone and abundance for all, plus. Sound utopic? That is just what takers and users want us to believe. They have always been there. My family said years ago that the "Black Magicians" would always want us to be in defeat. WE have a problem though;we want to follow. We want someone else to start or to do this for us. It will never happen that way. We have to reach within and make it be so. Start small. Speak a little life and abundance and even though it sound puny at first don't give up. It will grow and be life changing. This is not rocket science, it is just going to take some work and thought. You might even come up against some very negative people but keep pressing on. There is nothing more beautiful than what is within each being. Each one is needed and a part of a very large complete whole being making us a complete being. There is the finest gold found within.