Thank you, Dave, for your kind words. I agree that there is a freedom here to express ourselves like nowhere else. It is a blessing indeed to know the beautiful souls that come here to share what they feel and know. We learn so much from each other because we are all different with unique views, yet all come here in love and respect for each other, and we have reinforced for each other the value of each life, each spirit. It is truly uplifting.

I too have difficulty with change and releasing the old. You are right in that it is hard for a lot of people. Sometimes if the change looks really good and easy, then we can let go more quickly. But if we are uncertain about what lies ahead, even if it could be a better situation, we are hesitant to let go of what we know and what we have become accustomed to.

I have been thinking about how long I can continue to moderate and release articles on a regular basis here. I am over-extended on many levels at the moment and I am getting worn out. But reading your words of appreciation for what I do here gives me a good feeling, and I believe that there is a great purpose for me to do what I am doing. I will stay on as long as I possibly can.

As for the man I love, in the last two dreams he told me "I miss you." It is not something I have said to him before in a dream; this is coming straight from him. To me those are precious words, because I know he is in a beautiful realm where he feels no pain, and he has so much to do and to explore. He could easily forget about me and move on to his own business. To know that he holds me close to him in spirit, and that he misses me and wants me to know is the most precious gift that deeply touches my heart. He does not say much when he visits but he is always to the point, and he is sharing things with me that I never would have expected from his "casual" self.

Love never dies, and the intensity of it can cross over into other realms. I truly believe it.

In my dream he went over to his mother's place to visit her first, whom he has a great love for. She told me this morning that she had felt his presence with her, and at the time she felt him near her I was sleeping and having the dream. He really did visit his mother in the physical realm before he came over to talk with me in the dream.

I welcome the communication from him. I want it, I believe in it, and I leave my heart and soul open to it. He really surprised me today, and because I was able to embrace him and to let him know that I miss him too, I have found some peace today. I celebrated his birthday in some very symbolic ways. It is a nice break from the sadness and loss I often feel. Yes, spiritually he and I will have something more than the emotional connection we shared in the physical life. It could very well build into something eternal that will be even more amazing when I enter the spiritual realm some day.

I believe now, and later I will see. Blessed Be.

Debbie Grejdus
Spirituality Site Editor
Spirituality Forum Moderator