We were brought into this world observing and giving credence to what we see with natural eyes. We have been trained to make ourselves feel better when we have all of the visible things around us in the order that we like.

If I had a nicer car I would be content. A newer set of appliances, a home that was more "me". A family that was more compliant. A better job. On and on and on. All of a sudden we have satisfaction with very little including ourselves.

We have been taught since birth to worship something. To give ourselves away to a force outside of ourselves. Gold, a religious leader, our doctor, teacher, spouse, child, or anyone other than the most valuable person or thing on earth, ourselves. We have been told that we are lesser than any deities as well as other people. Somehow we have woven into our mindset that we ourselves are the most unworthy. They are all greater than us. We need to keep that in mind and stay under that fear and slavery.We are then controllable at the hand of another.

Any deity or personage that needs that much focused support would quickly wither and die if the supporters quit acknowledging their existence.

Unless I esteem me first, no one else on the planet, above or below, can be rightly observed nor can such a circumstance be made life sustainable.

Unless I love me, how can I love another? Unless I respect me, who else can I truly respect? Unless I am whole how can I help others be so.

Could we have the cart before the horse???

Only when I esteem my very being can I really know when another being or force is lying to me.

Only when I observe and esteem myself can I maintain when all around me things are falling apart.

WE are what we see within, not without.

I have no money but I have me! Do I need something else?

I have few real friends but I have me. Do I need lots of others and less of me?

My being, my health, and my satisfaction comes from within me and not from another person or circumstance.
Some say, Dave you are so cocky!!

As I observe who is telling me that I look at all of the forces and people around my accusers and see how much they are stealing from them even without their knowledge. They blindly give themselves away.

I am nothing more than a lanky Iowa plow jockey and certainly no better than another but if the entire world crashes down around me I might just have the ability to maintain and survive. That is built within me as well as every human on earth but it takes responsibility and some guts.

WE allow everything else to take what we have or we stand in us and be a truly productive force on this earth without fear yet forging ahead. Blessed Be