Bert, the list you gave is very deep. Much of it I am familiar with, in my own experience. Others I need to think about, as they are new thoughts to me, or perhaps, put in different ways.

I've been told that I've been around for a long time, but I think I have, for some good reason, I'm sure, chosen not to remember. Some dreams have given me clues as to why I am here now, but again, my signature statement is:

"the only thing I really 'KNOW', is that I know very little!" -

or perhaps I choose to remember very little so that I can learn more - new things, new perspectives, without having anything from 'before' to influence me.

I think I probably had great powers in some previous lives, and now have a great fear of misusing those powers in some way. I prefer not to remember them - not to rekindle something that might hold me back in what I am supposed to be achieving this time around. I can tell you though, that I do recall a dream where I was volunteering for something, after being asked if I would go. I've had other dreams where I've been asked to 'speak' - at an address, or a funeral, or to a great gathering where I was giving an address on 'Sowing and Reaping' - that is, Cause and Effect. I remember, with a grin, saying, "If you plant onions, don't expect to reap Roses"!!

Anyway, just sharing some 'stuff'!

Last edited by onealone; 11/07/11 05:52 AM.