Outa here soon, bear with me please;
I have a secret wish. It is beyond stupid as viewed by most people I am sure. It has no basis in theory. It cannot be proven empirically. It is in no wise on the docket of todays current events.

Allow me to babble for a moment please.

I have friends that are of the old order Latin mass Catholic Church-Pope Pius the 10th. I admire them greatly. What sincerity, majesty, and music!!!!!!! I have friends from the Novus Ordo that have suffered yet attempt to embrace all people of all faiths. Neither find time for each other. I have friends that are solid Baptist and others that are raging tongue talking Pentecostals. They definitely don't see eye to eye. I have Buddhist friends that are as calm, stable, and deep as the greatest river. The peace that they know is eternal. I have Mormon friends that believe in the Prophet. So do I. Without them, in ancient times or today, we are lost. I have a few friends that have no religion or even an awareness of any form of spirituality. These are happy people!! If they weren't I would not be around them!!! I love my Wiccan friends that are hated by most of my Christian friends, that hurts!!! My stupid question is," Why don't we believe in each other???????

I guess you now know my secret wish. We as a family have desired this for about 500 years. Some of us went through perils that most will never see. Some died to bring this to pass no different than our troops overseas today.

Today we have scandals that are tearing certain church denominations apart from the top to the bottom. ENOUGH!!!!! If any great person falls is it not the fault of all of us???? WE built them up to where they are and then when they falter is it all of a sudden now just their fault???? That is B.S. The blame game is over.

I remember a song from childhood that makes my heart really hurt today when I sing it. I find that I cannot look back on those words without tears. It goes," Sound over all waters reach out or all lands. The chorus of voices the clasping of hands. The third verse goes," With glad jubilations bring hope to the nations, the dark night is ending the dawn has begun, Rise hope of the nations arise like the sun, all speech flows to music all hearts beat as one."

Simple stupid little secret wish Huh???

Last edited by ancientflaxman; 10/07/12 08:09 PM.