I am finding that the attitudes of some people are changing as well, and it surprises me, but I am pleased to finally see it happening.

I have lived a lot of my life without true happiness and lots of depression. I had no idea what was just not working within me, because I always tried to do the right thing, work hard, and love others. My closest loved ones are loved with my entire heart. Yet even with my family and friends I care about, true happiness has eluded me. It is only through the lessons I have learned here and from my new friends that I have come to realize that there is more available to me than I imagined. I only had to look within to find my inner being and inner purpose. It has made me look down many avenues for the answers I seek, and the answers are there because I am open to it.

Now I am learning to embrace my sensitivity, abilities, and unique qualities, instead of punishing myself for being different than most other people I know. I have special gifts and a connection to some things that a lot of others do not because of my highly sensitive nature. I have had these abilities all of my life and I never chose to look further into it. Now I am. And with that comes better understanding of what you speak of, Dave. I am learning to embrace a much bigger picture of what our spiritual beings are capable of, and how long of a "life" we really do have beyond the physical and the tangible. In a lot of ways we can heal ourselves.

The world around us can be a beautiful place if we look to what nature has given us. The rest is cold, fake, and not in line with what our true purpose should be. The priorities of mankind in general is all wrong to me. There is no love in a lot of what goes on in the world, but instead there is selfishness, power, materialism, and greed. Guess what? You can't take any of it with you when your body dies!

There is a lot to be said for the poorer societies where people live with so much less and live in tune with nature and the land around them, striving to preserve the happiness and health of their families and friends. A simpler time, a simpler life.......based on love and caring.

Debbie Grejdus
Spirituality Site Editor
Spirituality Forum Moderator