Hi Burt B.

I do not think there is a possibility of losing the planet -- I do, however, believe that the way the "leaders" are taking us is wrong. Isis is the matron of Nature and magic. She listens to the prayers of the wealthy as well as the downtrodden and is a friend to the humble and enslaved.

Those who do not listen to what the great Mother is warning of will just go along with their way of life and may never know the deep peace that spiritual people find.

We, as spiritual beings, begin with a lantern and carry it with us. We take light to those who need to find their way. We reach out to one person at a time and the circle grows. We remain steadfast in our desire to bring forth the simple ways of our ancestors who lived in and with Nature. I do not mean to give up all that we need today -- I meant that to learn how to walk in harmony, balance, and peace with all Creation and to respect all life is a start in bringing about world peace.

A lantern carrier can take enlightenment to those who seek peace and a way of spiritual growth.

Each of us, whether we know it or not, has the power of bringing about world peace. We each have our own unique energies and ways of reaching out and touching the hearts and souls of those who are lost or confused.

Have you ever helped an elderly person who is alone and needs assistance to walk across a busy street? Have you ever helped a lost child find the parent they are crying for? Have you ever visited a lonely person who has no family and is living in a rest home? Have you ever stood up at a town hall meeting and said "I disagree with the way government controls us -- the people in government work for us!"

We see the grateful smiles of the lost and lonely when we reach out to them. We see the hope of a confused person when we give them some light. We see the nods and hear the applause of others when we stand up for our rights.

There are oh so many ways to reach out and help the little flicker of light grow into a bonfire of the desire of humanity to live with peace and love.

Why is it so difficult for our leaders to see this and why must they put blinders on as to what the people really want? They have forgotten the "people" and are now working for their own gains, accumulating their own personal power status.

We vote them in - we can vote them OUT!

If you can clarify your statement/question I might have some thoughts on this:

"Also, must there be a 51% critical mass of the people who desire the Father/Motherhood of GOD ??"


PS: In the APPALACHIA FORUM there is a post by Ancientflaxman that really touched my heart and made me think of how different humanity is today compared to the people who lived simple lives -- the people who knew that love and support of others was one of life's main priorities, the basics of life. I think you will enjoy reading it, Burt. smile

Blessed Be...

Last edited by Phyllis-Folk/Myth; 09/15/11 09:42 PM.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
Avatar: Fair Helena by Rackham, Public Domain