When I used to lecture I would usually begin my talk maybe with a little joke or some sort of humor and then I would get into the crux of the communication. I would lead into the realm of self- reliance and how critically important that it is for each individual.

We want to follow everyone else or every other theory or philosophy that will keep us from the fact that we alone are responsible for our journey. We can have help along the way but we, in the final analysis, make the decisions concerning our path in life whether right or wrong.. We have those decisions to make.

In my talk I would say what was in my heart and it was not altogether received with acceptance at times but when we make a decision to stand, despite all odds, that is sometimes the case.

“If my wife leaves me, if my kids and friends never speak to me again, if my house burns to the ground, and if the whole world cracks in half, dave will be just fine. Yeh he will grieve, he will cry, and he might be out of commission for a time but just as the phoenix he will rise.”

Yeh I know that there are some out there who would wish just that for me, even in my own little area here. Many are so unhappy in their misery that they would pull everyone else in with them just to feel better about themselves and then everyone would be miserable. They are in hell in their mind. That is their choice. I am not among that number.

I am not a devoutly religious person and would not make a pimple on the rear of great people like Dr. M.L. King, Golda Meir, Anwar Sadat, Peter Canisius or many other great leaders but no-one is going to steal my joy nor my sheer knowing of what is within me. Likewise I take joy in the fact that we are all going to make it somehow and come out of this as better individuals.

In a very old book I once read, ”Ten thousand may fall at thy side but it will not come near you.” That is just a dusty old spiritual, not to be literally interpreted, book that is probably long since forgotten in many homes if they even still have one but those words are timeless and irrefutable.

The only things that will be shaken in these days are things that can be shaken. What is deep within us can not be touched and has been our true path that will forever endure.

Some of us know Her, some know Him, some know other sources, and some know the strength that is within them but we all at one time or another in life have to stand up and say,” This is the way that it is going to be for me!!” and in that light we do not back down. Its kinda like my old Pit Bull dog Shadow. Once he got a-hold of something there was no letting go. This is that time in history or we can just end up being history.

I feel others deeply as I am what they call a “sensitive” which has prompted this post however at this point I don’t know what else to say.

For me She has been my guide and has restored my life. I owe her mine. She however would tell me, “dave, this is not about me!” Blessed Be

Last edited by ancientflaxman; 03/16/13 08:34 AM.