I have just started to do something (well over the past few months) and it’s working. I think. I have a large plastic bucket (a pretty one) in my kitchen and whenever I boil potatoes or eggs or vegetables, I strain the water and add it to this to cool down. Before this I just used to throw the water down the drain.

When it’s about ¾ full and I can still carry the bucket, I use this water for my containers. I know that the egg water adds a measure of calcium to the plants and I am sure there must be some goodness in the other cooked-in ‘water’.

I am thankfully old enough not to need scientific evidence that comes in screeds of small print that is packaged with cautionary tales of professional indemnity! My plants haven’t complained yet so I aim to carry on. Maybe you can consider doing this and let me know what you think?

I don’t have to wait for it to be ¾ full – in fact I do not keep this water for longer than a day before I use it. I am not into scientific experiments!

Lestie Mulholland
Container Gardening Editor

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