Originally Posted By: Elleise - clairvoyance
They are a part of the "New World" - his world he plans on creating. How much of Hollywood is an illusion? This is the same type, the same river of illusion I see - (?) Titanic comes to mind. The ship was said to do one thing, the people assured to be taken care of but something of another fashion transpires. The show behind this has to do w/the clinton's or their party.

On war - The threats of war continue. They/people are played by arrogant leadership and then emotionally manipulated - like watching a Bears game or boxing match. I dn't feel the mass by their own accounting favor war. In the future here, all races, all sexes, all classes end up reaching for the same hand they may have once held in little regard. So there is some good that comes of this. Group works seems important. I feel now more than ever a kind smile at the groccer mart or while ordering out is a small but powerful movement.

We will see more of the economy, bubbles/air pockets...here in the near future as well. More layoffs, more numbers, more people unable to keep up the appearance of keeping it together. Look to the next 4 months. Another wall falls.

This was written back in Sept. There is reference to the next four months and layoff and that another wall falls. I have a feeling that wall will be year-end numbers and unemployment.

Also, "NEW WORLD" those words specifically just now caught my attention. They are the exact words used in the link I just posted on, but the end of the sentence is ORDER - "NEW WORLD ORDER."

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Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 11/21/08 02:03 PM.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
Clairvoyance Site