Ok, new to this posting thing, but have something to say. I'm a Latter Day Saint & a Wiccan. My belief is that the God/Lord of Wicca is the same as the LDS/Christian Heavenly Father and that the Goddess/Lady of Wicca is the same as the LDS/Christian Heavenly Mother. Please note, this is NOT a mainstream LDS belief and some "Christians" don't even accept that LDS (Mormons) are Christians, but for me the two faiths are compatible and can blend into one belief system. I celebrate all holidays equally and realize that many "Christian" holiday rituals derive from much older belief systems. Jesus Christ healed, Wicca heals, Jesus prophesied, Wiccans prophesy... who when really seeking says they can't be compatible? Love this thread, learning lots!

To learn is to live, follow your path, trust your faith and be true to yourself.