Hi I have afew Questions to ask to anyone how will reply.
but first I will get so back ground so you know where i stand and why i ask the questions.
I was raised a Nazerine(Christian) and wanted to be a missionarty. I worked at a India Boarding school as a dish washer. i watch co worker put down the culture and heratiage of the kids. I hated what they where doing so tryed to stop them from saying deminning thing to the kids (who were Navajo and Hopi mainly). I realized that because of fear, prejustice, and just plan ignoreice they were distorying a chance to witness to them. I truly believe that a person has the right to there own believe and culture. its not my place to shove it down there throats or scrare them in to believeing my way or hell. it tics me off!! any way I realized that I dont now much about any other religian or culture. so I started reading books and asking question. i learned that asking Christians about other relegians is very unuseful I learn a name and why its wrong that does not tell me any thing and the same with books they get or start over my head or there christian author warning of the danger of...
So you see my delema? I dont want to change anyones mind or critize, jugde... I would love just the basics of what you believe.
Do you have a Bible (is that the right term?)?
what is it called?
Do you believe in a God (s)?
where does your "Bible" come from? who wrote it?
how old is Wicca?
do you have Bible storys like christians?
Am I being offencive?
I hope its ok to post this here. Again I am sorry if i offend anyone that truely was not my intent. Lee <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
ps if i posted this twice i am sorry i am new at posting <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />