the bible says that there is only one true God, then says have no god before me does this mean that other gods is like makeing a statue of a cow and believeing the statue of the cow is God is wrong or that there are other Gods out there that we should not worship? and If God is the only true God then do we all Worship the same One true God but diferent aspects. the Bible has Hundered of names for God to show differnt ascets. God of Love God of Pleace... and the word for God and the word used for Holy Spirit are Nutral no male not female... so i wonder if seence Jesus was male if the just assumed that They were also male and it could not have hurt any that men world the world too? so in polytheology it it really more then one God or Differnt aspcept of God?

What holydays do Wiccan and or pagians celabeate? and why?

All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial. judge not lest ye be judged.