I know someone who is struggling with life and death as she embarks on her first garden,and what she must do to protect her crops and the birds who eat the bugs in her garden. She came up with a personal belief that I feel is really neat.
Life gives us damnable choices. Campbell used to say "life is an everlasting fire, feed the fire." This means, life feeds on life. You can either be a Jain and never kill anything, even an ant, or you can accept that life begets and requires other life. It's an endless dance of consuming and changing forms.
She decided that within these damnable choices, she would act with kindness - using the least amount of cruelty required in any situation. To some, this is raising a lamb with a good life, open pasture, no feedlots, then when slaughter comes, singing songs and celebrating and thanking the animal, then consuming it.
Yes, slaughters on altars were later consumed. Wasting any part does dishonor to the Creator.
As for scrying, it is opening up your self to your own sixth sense. If you believe in the Akashic Record, which is a Hindu belief that all things have already happened, then scrying is just tapping into the record to get a sense for the future. This is what the sleeping prophet (sorry, my mind went blank...lol!) did. Gah, what is his name....