your welcome. so is the Universal source 1 Deity with bot male and female energy/quilitys? is at the duialit your talking about?
And can you explane pantheons?
So in Wicca, it is like everyone believes in there own believe and theorys? whats right for one is or maybe wrong for some one else and thats ok? or Is it more like Denominations in christianty where if you Baptist you believe one way and Nazerines believe another and both side agree to disagree because you believe in the same basic princepals? or is it more like Caltholics believe that they are the only right religian and prodestins believe the are and the religous battle begins...?
You said that there is no Bible but you hold a few text close, what are they? I have heard of a Book Of Shadows?
Is that in Wicca or witchcraft... or is it the same?
oh boy i could ask questions all day but i think ill stop here for now. thank you for replying. Lee