What an amazing gift you have! That is something I have never been able to understand about Christianity (no offense intended to you at all bubbles, I respect your beliefs entirely). If we are created in God's image, wouldn't we have some of those gifts? The only bad would be if it was used for bad. Another one, astrology, God created the heavens and the earth, He put the stars there, he didn't do anything without reason. Is it bad to get insite from a reputable astrologer? I don't believe so. I do believe it is a serious weakness for somebody to live there entire life based on nothing but that, career, lifestyle, friends, spouse, etc.

It seems to me you have very strong instincts, and they have helped you protect yourself and your loved ones in the past. I just can't see anything bad in that.

I also think it is good to question everything, life is about learning. You can't learn if you don't question.

Keep questioning and keep sharing <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />