So far so good i have only made one person mad that i know of?!!! and i am not sure how i offened her but.. to each their own i guess!!! I have learned a lot about Wicca and have disspelled MANY misconcetptions that i was raised to believe. I have to say that aside from Wiccans not believeing in One God only and Jesus Christ i have found nothing to make me believe that they are any differant then any Christian church member!!! on the other hand i realize that this maybe offenive on both sides of the fence because 1) most Christians would not openly agree with it because as Christians we are supost to be set apart and "better" then all other faiths. and 2) with the way SOME or MOST Christians act toward any other faith What Wiccan would want anyone to think they are no different then chirstians?

I have come to believe that while you can not marry 2 or more believes with Christianty we could learn a great deal from one another!!!

Judge not lest ye be judged: all things are permittable but not all things are beneficial