"Magick" is an Olde English spelling, hahaha..... Really, it is, and some folks use the term to separate the spiritual practice from "magic," the performance kind, which is what a magician does with cards.

I can't talk much about Reiki, although I have friends that practice it. I was taught that if you are right-handed, energy flows in through your left hand and out via the right, and that it's reversed for lefties, but my sister who practices acupuncture says that sometimes you find people whose polarities are reversed.

I consider myself a witch and an alchemist, spiritually. I chose to indentify with the term witch, because so many people have such stigma about the word and so many bad pre-conceived notions. Recently, I found a community that uses the metaphor of alchemical transformation for spritual growth, and I've been enjoying my work with them.