Wow they took your son and nephew? ouch i would not talk either. when i was 5 i was sitting on the couch with my dad and he was asleep. MASH was on tv.(this was 2wks before he died) on the tv i saw dad walk out the front door for a walk i beged to go with him but he made me stay with my mom. I hear the sirions and say something wrong with dady she tells me nothing wrong and the phone ring and it the next door neighber calling to tell mom that dad collaps in front of there house in the street. mom runs out of the house and i follow her the emts are working on him but i know that hes not going to make it. toweeks later it played out the same wayexcept that i tell mom exacly what is going on right before it happen and i remember telling my dady dont leave me wont come back. he thought i was being overly emotional. he was a rail roader and was go alot so i pitched a fit everytime he went out of town. I was also every attached to him. maybe i knew before i saw it on tv. at that age i was scared of the backend of the trailer and I would screem muder and cry for days if any one but dad asked me to go back there with him or made me go by my self. and it was nothing if me and mom went in to a story and i would "see" some thing and if she did not go with me I picked her up and carried her out!! (i was about 100 pounds at 5 years old and she was about 75 pounds at the time). i did that one time and ever scence then when i say would sayleave she knew the next thing that came was i pick her put and we leave. she never ask why i did it but i think she understood that there was some danger taht i could see feel what ever and the terror was real. i had a preacher tell me one time that it was the devel and when i asked why the divel would protect me he truned all kinda of colors of mad. but said nothing. i have always thought that it was Gods way of protecting me. the gas station i picked my mom up and ruan out. was held up not 10 min. after we left i didnt know that until later when my mom and aunt were talking about it.. its kinda the secert that everyone knows and ecxcepts but does not talk about. i think i have repessed the gift becasuse i thought it was a curse. maybe thats one reason the church irratace me most of the time. im fine with God and Jesus,Holy Spirit, but the bible and the waythe church repesses and ignore what they cant explane or twist it out of context...?

All things are permissible but not all things are beneficial. judge not lest ye be judged.