I dont understand that either because Christians believed in sacrifices all through the bible until Jesus Died and is conciters the Last and Great sacrifies. what is the point on killing animal because you did something wrong? is nt that adding to your list of crime?

I think in modern society we often forget that we must kill to live. Even vegetarians are killing something to live. Life was lived closer to the bone back then.

So my own personal view is that because slaughter occurred frequently as a matter of course, that to make it ritualistic and to dedicate that sacrifice to some cause is a natural inclination of an attempt to show devotion to a higher power.

In Egypt, bread was baked daily and put on huge tables as "sacrifices" to the Gods. At the end of the day, all the bread was distributed to the poor. New day, new cycle begins. Wonderful, really. If only we did the same today <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

The end of animal sacrifice in religion seems to take step with mankind "furthering" itself along as an intelligent species. However, the truth could well be that we are not becoming more enlightened by this, but only avoiding nature, and our own essence. The butchering still occurs, only with someone else doing this for us, leaving us with neat packages in the store (along with pleasant music to listen to while we buy it).

Who is to say then that animal sacrifices are brutal? Is it much more barbaric not to honor the animal we eat by buying a wrapped commodity in a store that doesn't show us that we are as "red in tooth and claw" as any other carnivore?

Darling Poor
Editor of Horses Site