Between yesterday and this evening...A LOT!

Santa Joe (my hubby) got me a Canon scanner and from the piles and piles of recipe notes, printed recipes of my own, recipe me I had piles and piles, over-running my coffee tables too, I scanned with ease and uploaded to Evernote.

I love that program - does anyone else use it? It's a great App - I have it on my Galaxy III too, so I can write notes from home or work and it all syncs.

Well, I made files and organized. Still need a little tweeking, but I feel free in my mind knowing I don't have to pull out piles of papers and look for a scrap! It took me longer to look for my notes than it did to type my article. lol. I feel uplifted!

So Happy and ready for 2014, in an organized way!

Last edited by Allyson USACook/HomeCook; 12/29/13 06:29 PM.