I'm truly amazed by the loving posts here. Well done, to all of you.
I have had two miscarriages this year, and while I too, wanted to let nature take her course ( and she did, at five weeks and then at nine weeks), in retrospect, I wish I had had a D&C for the second m/c. Not because I seek medical proceedures, but because I was in pain, and worried, and would have felt safe with my wonderful doc.
The one positive of miscarrying at home was being able to bury the tiny being. We (my husband and I) took her? him? to a lovely grove of willows near our home, and had a peaceful moment together.
I wish there were some way we who have experienced this loss could be heard in a better way. I had NO IDEA how many women experience miscarriage, nor how many of us feel we have no one who will listen to our pain. Bravo to all of you who are speaking so lovingly to each other, and blessings to you all.