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I'll try and start here with a sense of humor (ha-ha).

Ok, on with it. Disclaimer/Forewarning this isn't for the squimish. They're rated "G" for gross... Don't scroll down if you've a sensitive stomach. None the less, this is real.

Anyway, let me tell you about a little story about a young lady, who of all the places she could sit...Spirit would have her plant her rear end on what appeared to be grass, but ended up harboring something much, much different.

She lived in a small town and with welts all over her called the hospital, which proceeded to tell her quite sternly:

"WE...don't have Fire-Ants!"

Keep in mind this young lady HATES Dr.'s and had no idea what exactly "Fire-Ants were or did, but out popped that word.

She decided to take her hind quarters downtown with a vial filled with what made out of her a harty 4-limb course and, low and behold, they put them under a scope and were in fact "Fire-Ants." confused

The following year there were insecticides with "Fire-Ant" protection labled everywhere in their stores.

Now, bringing this into present-time, the "curious photos" below is significant. Why?

Because it's mine.

The following are photos that belong to me as well. Their significance? They're me...

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 08/17/13 07:12 PM.

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I've heard of Akashic records, but things, when they happen over and over - not so much in a bad way (I mean I'm willing apparently) me thinks a past life o' mine must've been that of a few "Expressos!" or something along the lines of a soldier.

I've been writing for about 10 yrs or so. I write or express what I sense, feel, "see" because they're things that happen to and through my being. It's not always pleasant, but it's not always bad either. Just the honest to goodness truth of oddities that happen to press at my doorstep.


I told my husband oh..about 2-3 months ago: "They're gonna resurrect the 'bedbug' and somehow, someway this is going to have to do w/the CDC and Bird mites??? What's the CDC?"

He said, he didn't know.

What I've chosen to do w/the items that come across or through me, is to try and help or forewarn.

There really IS a new bug in town and it's not one apt to be advertised.

In my heart, I don't want people to panic or spend a lot of money they most likely won't have, on contracts, excessive Dr. visits or medicines and being told things that just don't work.

On a separate subject, way back when, during elections and such and there was a big push or rise to "just" tax the "wealthy" well, everyone's gonna get it and in a way, like that guy who went to jail for some ponzi (sp) scheme "Madoff??" I think is the name...it'll be similar in the sense "Winners/lossers" are coming and going abroad.

On a "little person's/medium/genuine person's" level though, just about everything you can think of, you'll find being subject to being taxed and told it's for the greater good.

I mean everything...down to gardening, water/electricity, gas, etc.

In the next few years, you can even expect to see "Home inspectors."

They'll be people that simply went through some training program and be at your home to ...well kind of like electric meter people used to do? But these people will be different...the GV won't want them to think too much either..just do what their told, basically and collect data...this is what I feel.

I also see Union members/leaders...(I don't kow exactly what they do) not being anymore a significant resource in, what feels like, the medium future. That could change??? I don't know that much about them, to be honest, but it "feels" they fade out as well as other aspects of branches and/or voting parties, etc.

The good news is that people ALL types of people are feeling that "thing" you know?? that thing that makes them feel bothered enough to do something about it.

People who showed TRUE leadership...well, they will lead the way and again, ALL people, meaning not every single person, but more SOULS no matter who you are, stir to the point they come alive again! They energize the "channels!"

TRUTH begins to build and mentors , as well as genuine bridges continue to be made. smile

This article prompted most of this...the rest has just been building up. I happen to be in the central IL area and I'll tell you what...these things, at least the ones I've run across are anything BUT "Bedbugs." I'll post things that work and don't w/these bugs and what to do as far as protecting from getting them in the first place ((hugs-to-all))!

CBS Top Bed Bug Cities

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Originally Posted By: Elleise - Clairvoyance
I've heard of Akashic records, but things, when they happen over and over - not so much in a bad way (I mean I'm willing apparently) me thinks a past life o' mine must've been that of a few "Expressos!" or something along the lines of a soldier.

I've been writing for about 10 yrs or so. I write or express what I sense, feel, "see" because they're things that happen to and through my being. It's not always pleasant, but it's not always bad either. Just the honest to goodness truth of oddities that happen to press at my doorstep.

I always thought that the Akashic Records were sealed to us until we return but apparently that is not the case. "Ask and ye shall receive" is the rule and many people have tapped into the records for clarity not only for themselves but for others.

I would like to peek into my records. It seems like a good time for me to do so.

In any case, Elleise, it sounds as though you are similar to me when it comes to "seeing" a rush of things. In your case, you see several future possibilities playing before your eyes. In mine, I see faces and some scenarios related to them.

What to do with all of this? {{shrug}} What you feel compelled to do with them. Your inner guidance will always lead you.

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Akashic Records or any term, you know, well, it's like words are words.

On a material plane we need them to communicate. But, lol, it's been my experience that they do well, but not nearly well enough in reflecting the actual energy or experience itself.

To extract the depth of a person's Soul, what I've found is the more detatched you are from the news, money, fear, etc., the closer you can be to what they call, "The Akashic Records."

If you can't extract yourself, you'll often find portions of them in your Dreams.

One heck of a novel ((hugs)) smile

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A series of events have happened over this past month.

Foretelling, followed by affirmation. Just incredible things that in no way shape size or form would I have knowledge of.

I'll share this, and it's difficult, but real.

A woman knocked on my door and without thinking I pointed across the hills and said..."You live over there?" Happened so fast, I'm not sure what I was thinking. She backed out of the walkway scared basically.

Our water heater burned out. My husband was asleep when the repairman came so I was forced to interact w/him. As he was leaving he said, "How long have you lived out here?" I told him and he proceeded to tell me about a death out here. I pointed right to it and again, w/out knowing anything about it said, "Gun shot, right? Oh, no...God, I knew it."

Leading up to this part...

A month or so ago I wrote on this thread, I'd like to see people have 1-3 months of savings. Food and finances. I have this already.

This next part - well have you ever noticed when you read something, you hear it in your head according to how you'd see it?

I don't care if this is popular or not. Someone told me I sounded like Glenn Beck. I said I can't help that. My information...I won't even read the news...anyway - I subscribed to a 2-week free trial to GBTV.

If you see this man as racist or hater, check yourself...It's likely to have more to do w/you than actually being true. In fact, at this point in time...I feel comfortable syaing if you're on target, see the truth of what's happening, you're likely to be pursecuted, sacrificial lamb of some sort, etc.

Your GV's are broke. That's a feeling so strong there's just nothing else to say.

I had to step away from GBTV because it was TOO accurate for me. I felt physically nauseous and not because I felt he was racist or hateful, by any means. He felt frustrated - that's about it. If you really want to know what's going on, this guy has the intellect I simply don't have to present it in an organized way.

Just today, I found out our Town cancelled garbage service to the entire area. Their excuse online,...??? Too much snow on the ground. I'll post a photo here of not a singe flake coming out of the sky and dry pavement. You're suppose to drive your garbage to an emergency shelter, out of this town, to another about 40 miles away.

I'd pay close attention to these signs!

I saw today after not looking into anything...I wrote about it some time ago though, but with this particular clip, I don't know what cypress is, but it's moreover another sign of what's heading this way. 1 - 3 months finances and food...

Try to put your personal feelings aside and at least keep an open mind. He feels exactly right:

EU goes after saving?

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 03/19/13 05:51 PM.

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This is the front and back of our home. I'm working on trying to size the second photo. It's hard for me to read so I kind of just click here and there. I haven't memory like other people...

But anyway, this is current, as of today and real.

What they put on the internet is anything but...

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 03/19/13 04:36 PM.

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well, I've take 5 or so months off from this particular thread (whew... whistle)

A much needed vacation, lol. It's not a favorite of mine, but I love people. So show must go on, lol.

Good news (there actually is some! smile ) People are actually risking it all and coming forward with information we might, alone, not be able to have. People are also, finally starting to pay, maybe not a HUGE amount of attn., but more than they were.

This is an article that's actually "feels" accurate:

"New Jobs But..."

This is precisely the feeling I get when I look to the people and their quiet-suffering. It's also good that people are desiring and participating in conversations that we should be having.

We'll have some events coming here in the not so distant future.

This part is a feeling...msgs being sent. Not in email fashion: Like for instance, back in 9/11/01 I was seeing my family out there. Got to the airport just as the second plane hit.

The day before, we'd gone to an amusement park and along the side of the road there was a red sign painted on an exit. I get panic attacks and I had a big one then.

The sign read: "FOX IN THE PEN"

I'm have similar feelings about messages sort of like that, so not in say emails or anything. More like on the back of say a pill. So, you know how there's imprints on Aspirin? Like that, but in numbers. Like 2/27 or something like that.

I still get the feeling of wanting to have 1-3 months of just rations. Stuff you won't get bored eating. Dehydrated milks, herbs, bouillon and SALT. Just sensible things, dried potatoes, fruits, oats, powdered eggs, etc.

There's a big push for EBT's, lately. I've had one, they're useful when cash isn't coming in. HOWEVER, let's say the media coverage is saying the economy's great when in actuality the reality is VERY LOW PAY - well, then you quite probably qualify for an EBT card.

Keep in mind, once you do and feeling pretty good about getting all that food for free (I know it made me breath easier) what happens when there's a glitch in "the system" or there's an attack/virus, etc and guess what? Your card/ATM no longer work.

Think about the type of behavior we'd be apt to have. Not all, but a large percentage. So if you need an EBT, use it. But do your best to do what you can on your own, just in case. wink

There's some changes coming when everyone voted (not everyone) for that health-care bill. They're getting ready for them, now. I get the feeling of "trade-offs." so, like you scratch my back I'll give you mine, etc.

Awhile back, maybe 6 yrs. ago I said to a friend of mine, some day they'll chip everyone. Like your babies. She said what do you mean?

I said it'll be like those things they've got in the cats and dogs, that "ehemmm are for your protection, safety of the animal."

She asked where they'd go? I said, right now I get two pictures in my head....one is like a green/screen in your eye - cant think of the word, but like where cataracts grow/develop. The other picture I see is in the wrist, palm, hand area. They'll have info on you but you'll also swipe them across this looks like one of those silver ashtray stands, but the top is either dark/black or florescent blue-ish, and red pops in as well, like an alarm type deal.

There's also going to be some words to watch for: "Smart" So, Smart this, Smart that, Smart washer, Smart whatever.

"Sustainable" is another word I keep seeing over and over, (enough it gets me headaches/migraines).

"Urban" is another...(I think) but it's part of another word that has to do with the one above. This is where your towns come into it. So say your own towns are broke, they'll get grants by doing these, X,Y,Z things to help push this thing along. I think even your own gardens end up coming into this...these are just feelings "Seer" type feelings. So don't panic or anything, lol.

In the future I also see we'll have toilets that basically analyze your chemistry.

There's more....but on to more mysterious and happy things!! ((hugs)) smile

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 08/17/13 07:10 PM.

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A bit off topic:

Try to look at it though as sensing it first, getting a run around then affirmation of what they are and why they're not being discussed.

This little guy is coming to a home near you. What I will try to provide are tips, articles and what to expect from healthcare officials as well as in the home, how to deal w/both them and emotions.

This article is a good start. Though not mine it feels important to at least skim over until I can get one up of my own experience.

It's fall and that's when the mites come to a home near you!

Can Bird Mites Infest Human Beings?

Pshaa whistle or rolling of the eyes, even a nice little pat on the head sending you to a dermatologist or for extra fun write down you have a disorder described as Morgellans Disease...

Coming back from the hospital today, I can tell you TAKE PHOTOS~

P.S. Try to block out the ad at the bottom for fog machining. The article alone is all you need for now.

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 08/14/13 01:25 AM.

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Good info in the article. Thanks Elleise. You should have taken the pictures you made to show the doctors.

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I wanted to SoOOoo bad!

I told my husband (and I'll only go to the Dr. if I'm actually sick) "something's gonna happen and we're going to need those photos."

Sure enough, went to 2 places. We're entering the socialized health system everyone wanted. More to come w/that one in another thread.

Anyway, in a 1 hr. radius, we couldn't be seen.

We had to travel, travel, travel. Found a place another 1/2 hr. away.

They weren't familiar w/the "DEVIL BUGS" I call them, so it was like a cow being corralled through an ally. But, lol, try picturing one that faints in the middle of it.

I'll download some pictures though, so if people start to see something like it. Don't panic, but don't be complacent either.

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