When things like this have happened to me or someone that comes to me, at the rate it seems to be happening for you, I've suggested filming and/or taping during the night hours or hours that go missing physically. Say you're out and about or at an office.
In one scenario, the woman used a recorder on the computer. She contacted me shortly after, scared to death. So, I offered that the computer could have picked up something else online and to try it again with a separate VAR, but with the addition of some type of carrier, like the hum of a fan.
It took her awhile to try that one as the first scared her, but she wanted to know. That picked something up too and she never wanted to do that again.
Having said that, she felt at least she wasn't imagining things and decided to confront it head on.
Somewhere between here and there we've a porthole of sorts, meaning we're really not disconnected from where we came. However, different influences can reach us whether they're simply emotional, mental or physical. It's my view that any one of these can open that porthole a bit more.
It would be interesting to see, if you set it up, what exactly a recording instrument might pick up, asleep or just out and about