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Have they tested you for MRSA ? That looks an awful lot like it and it is spread via bottoms of shoes very easily.

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It's mites. Found that out for sure.

The problem is, there's many species and they're well, like inter mingling.

So say, (actually I made a joke to my husband):

What did the Scabbies mite say to the bird-mite?

Answer: Let's go make some "spores."

It's not the same writing it out, but it made us both laugh and I just do that sometimes.

What I meant though is that you can have symptoms of scabbies but that usually comes after the other mites, for some reason. IF you even get the scabbie type waxy stuff at all.

But ya, the guy that came out said, you've got mites. Problem IS getting someone to put that down on paper. So, whatever. In the meantime I can only tell people what has helped.

Me going through it is one thing. Say a child? I would just die. These, you feel and they somehow, someway anesthetises you, so they itch at first, but when it reaches the icky stage where it LOOKS like it hurts, you don't feel a thing. confused

I'll tell you what...these creature have intellect! They know how to communicate a food sorce and identify an open wound.

I have some photos of before and after applying salt. We've had company so I'm behind more than usual.

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 10/15/13 09:24 PM.

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Here are this year's new photos I promised. They're all of me. The first one is the before shot.

The second, is after applying salt.

The 3rd & 4th are their M.O. they make designs on your skin.

The 3rd & 4th are in the following post...these are just what to look for. They're distinct in nature.

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The formations range specifically, from small circles to very large ones, like the circumfrance of your stomach, around your belly-button, to squares and triangular formations.

In the one below, by the time they got done, it looked like a flock of geese tattooed across my backside. Hey it was free grin

P.S. That's a PG image. Back of my leg, lol. You can get them around your collar line, arms, legs, knuckles, etc. They're not a very particular creature despite resports they don't inhabit human's.

They're only half right. Early Spring, they're outside. Come fall and winter - they're not picky whatsoever. Neosporin and permethrin DON'T do a thing. Neither does chalomine (sp) lotion.

If you're sensitive, like me, you'll feel a pin-prick when they bite. If not, you won't feel much until your skin starts feeling like you're wearing a wool-sweater, all day and night.

Oatmeal baths help, but bleach and vinegar, borax and loads of laundry and vacuuming will need to be done daily!

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 10/24/13 01:25 AM.

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I can listen to something and/or watch something and w/in a few sec. or min., have a sense directing me, as to the accuracy or truthfulness of the subject matter. Be it a person, video, interview, etc. good information and people usually find me - bad sometimes too, but I'll usually be able to turn those types of thing around. smile

Senses can be a useful thing at times, exhaustive at others. You just have to go w/it...

This topic is important. Mostly because I do FEEL-STRONGLY it is something that may easily become (in some manner) a Global issue of some sort, if it's not dealt with.

The main thing is not to panic. This is for informational purposes only. Panic does nothing. Just be aware but not discounted either. Especially if you begin feeling ill - like the flu.

What I feel and have some confirmation of are "Bird-mites," or BIRDS, specifically are a growing concern. I feel it in my heart, mind, body and Soul and I don't feel the average person knows much about what they are and are capable of and how to avoid bringing them into the home.

I feel these Mites or "Cross-breeds" of these Mites are understated, under investigated or simply kept out of public and medical realm in terms of dealing w/them effectively.

So, this topic is here to help, whomever and I will try to keep people updated.

Keep calm and simply be aware if you happen to cross paths w/these creatures and seek out a good Dr. should you happen to need one. wink They ARE out there! It just may take a few times finding one.


From my experience, there seems to be a great deal of "mis-information" out there.

Everything from rolling eyes of a Dr. to dismissive behavior altogether, especially in the industry of bug maintenance, which I suspect already know about these.

Most people don't want to go to a Dr., for something that could be simple, or at least I don't. So, through me, you can try to envision a "test-like-subject." Always happy to be of service, lol...

So, here's what I've been able to deduce with my experience, still on-going (BTW - we live in the NORTHERN MID-WEST).

1.) You don't have to have "Tweety-Bird" inside as a pet to get these.

2.) They are primarily found in heavily wooded, forestry, type areas, preferable near water.

3.) The initial stages usually go unnoticed.

4.) Later, you may see small red bumps, A small red dot and/or even what looks like a chigger bite, that will eventually draw more bites surrounding it.

(this is where you don't want it to get to that stage. Once the bubble breaks you're kind of screwd and you'll be going to the Dr.)

I happen to have a brilliant Dr., but I didn't at first. So, here's, in some aspects where I can say what did and didn't work...at least w/me.

5.) The Mites can and DO communicate w/eachother and in my opinion attack, mostly at night, in clusters.

6.) The Mites can be brought in by pets and high trafficked areas and primarily through the leaves they're running through and/or walking through. Say a walk-way up to the house, leaves on a deck AND by hand if you garden, pull weeds or have BIRD-FEEDERS you handle daily, even if you wash your hands after.

7.) These Mites seem to "Cling." So simple water or laying in a bath won't do it. (Scrub...scrub...scrub...and don't use a loofa) smile

8.) The Mites aren't visible to the naked eye. So, if someone suggests you're being bitten by "bed-bugs" check it out, but usually you know if you've got bed bugs or not.

9.) These Mites have a residual affect and will leave scars.

10.) These Mites seem to carry w/them diseases and infections that CAN be passed onto humans. In that sense, if you have lingering symptoms - GO SEE A DR!

11.) I have "0" allergies. I don't even get cold-sores. Up until the "invasion" my immune system was off the charts - healthy! So, they tend to lower the immune system.

12.) Once the body has been introduced to the BACTERIA (this seems and FEELS the important part!!!) it's natural, the body will try to defend itself w/anti-bodies. Which, IN MY OPINION, is one of the reasons your immune system suffers. It's busy knocking anything from rashes, to more serious bacteria out of your system.

13.) I'll go into symptoms later. This is enough info. for right now. But the GOOD NEWS, with me anyway...I now am literally gifted, w/the ability to sniff these guys out. Kind of like a blood-hound.

My nose will instantly start to run and I'll begin to itch all over.

HOWEVER! You need to wait out the "itching" for awhile. Reason being, corrective measures. You don't want to over do it and only deal with it, if you begin to feel or SEE a red dot develop. So, basically - the runny nose and itching is like an Allergy now. You've got a defense mechanism.

***Again - don't panic. You don't want to think or convince yourself, every little thing is a MITE. They have an M.O. which I'll go into later. AND don't go out an purchase a bunch of junk that doesn't and WILL NOT work.

I suspect - there are people who do know about these things and feel some are already trying to capitalize on an issue that can be mentally, physically and Spiritually draining.

Hopefully, my experience will help someone else out there.

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 11/08/13 12:42 AM.

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This will be short, which I'm certain most people will be appreciative of, lol.

Bug/mite issues:

I suspect strongly these particular bug/mites carry bacterium. Not exactly Lyme disease, but I'm not an entomologist nor a biologist, but I know my body inside and out.

They DO make designs and you pretty much feel like you've got the flue all of the time and something about the respiratory system. You hock up a white flem type thing...my husband has that.

Me? My immune system is usually tough as nails. Now I'm susceptible to all sorts of things, ear aches, sore throats, joint pain HUGE, running nose (UNTIL I BLEACH...then it goes away) as well as rashes and sporadic fevers. And, I'm simply not running to the DR's, ever week for this stuff.

As of now, my view is:

"If I fight it off or rather my body does, well that's all the more anti-body ammunition for whatever else they've got!" wink

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Crochet Queen,

I don't think I read or absorbed your post about MRSA. Thank you though for suggesting.

My husband FINALLY!!!! Man was that a tough one, is on board. But unfortunately, it's because it's now happening to him AND, he's now coughing up a white substance. This may sound awful, but he's actually gone from simply putting it in water, to NOW, it's as thick as craft-glue (glue-gun).

What I believe has happened is this:

There are ticks out here and a but-load of mice. I believe the ticks bite the mice, then the deer (we live in a Northern Mid-West Forrest Preserve...ironically, they shoot everything, so not seeing the preserve part of it all??? I'm sure there's grants in there somewhere. But anywho -) the deer being among the trees and leaves may possibly be prone to mites from the leaves falling and walking among thicker brush.

I believe these mites are Bird-Mites OR a breed of mite that somehow, some way, has something to DO with birds.

Reason being, I can feel being bitten. They feel like a little pin-prick and my nose starts running. From there I begin itching all over. So, it's like I have an allergy now to them, when before I wasn't allergic to anything, not even hay-fever.

I believe these mites carry w/them several different types of diseases, even bacterium associated w/Lyme, the MRSA may even be in there, but I'm already at the stage where you get Sepsis and sharp pains in the heart area (left and right sides).

I have to get to my neurologist for a head injury I had a few 5 many years back (I've been self-habilitating my brain) but I can't seem to get past where I am on my own.

From there, I'll have some blood-work done, because as of yesterday, my husband - the analytical rocket-scientist guy actually said,

"Hon, I think I have some type of disease. I'm getting boils and blisters and felt one of those pinch thing yesterday. I think we've got both, mites and the disease they carry."


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Looky what I found here confused

MRSA and Poultry

This is close - but the feeling isn't a "Ding" (what I call it when it's 100% on target).

This "feels" it has more to do w/farms and the futuristic need for more GV regulations of farms, pigs, cows and such.

What I'M TALKING about are the little walks through the woods and the "poultries" that happen to be flying around w/in them and CAN IN FACT carry longer distances than you could possibly imagine. We're talking coast to coast within the migratory patterns.

Oh...one more thing. Be on the look out for something called,
(this will be hard for me to remember).

"something... "Diasic-Earth???"" It may have 3 words to it and I don't know if even the spelling is correct, but it sounds something a bit like that. It's a product of some type AND will have something about "Being good for the planet" or along those lines.

It may have something to do w/alleviating issues of "The New Bug." If you WANT to get it? I can only say what I would do >
Look into the ingredients, who's behind selling it and how exactly it's supposed to do what it does.

I wouldn't just go out and get it, because the "ps-ps's (gossip)" blogs or words of mouth's from friends and what-not, tell me to.

Somewhere on here there's a list or things that I've found to work around the house and how to avoid bringing these into the home.

First and foremost,get rid of all the leaves in your yard and either burn them or remove them. In my opinion you DON'T want these on your property if you happen to be in woodsy areas.

If you get them, especially at my stage I had gotten them...GO SEE A DR. but a GOOD ONE!!!!!

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For whatever reason, every now and again, my "stuff" brings me back to birds especially, again and again.

This is simply something to become aware of, only! This part seems to be more of an airborne mutation of some sort. Not an expert and try to keep written/hearing research to a minimum for myself.

The "New Bug" I'm personally "be-frienemying" right now, this particular thread focuses, feels to be the MITE. Specifically the Bird-mite or mutation of which, again, I feel has to do with the bird, its migratorial pattern, and the surroundings in which they flock.

Where I go from there, feels to do w/some infections, the Mites (the infected ones) are more than able to exchange with humans in the form of a bacterium.

So, my "feelings" at this point is at least every now and then be aware.

But, for myself, I feel there's a bacterium/viral mixture of sorts floating around in my system.

Me, personally, my immune system is rock-solid, or was. Not so much these days. However, my body (I listen to it) has scored quite well, playing racquet-ball w/whatever it is I do have wink

Bird Flu Virus

I do happen to live in the perfect surroundings for whatever this is: a reserve, geese, ducks, deer, huge lake and loads of forestry (but lots of gv. grants to keep it alive and well wink

Anywhoo, with any amount of luck this cold streak we've had here will limit their livelihood. However, keep in mind, the mites are quite smart (literally). They'll take cover, burrow, and under leaves plus a good amount of snow, I've found they can go well over a year w/out feeding.

We'll have to wait and see. We don't want an epidemic panic on our hands...do we. sick

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 01/09/14 02:50 PM.

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Elleise.....were the words you were looking for "diatomaceous earth"? It is supposed to be affective in killing all sorts of bugs, but I have never used it.

From what I have seen about your case it is not the same thing as the mite problem I had when I raised caged birds. I did feel the prick when they bit, but the red spots they left on my skin were very tiny and not in any sort of pattern. They were tough to get rid of but I finally did succeed, although a bunch of those red spots still exist on me many years later.

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