I'm not. And what's important here is why?
First, you have the welfare system. Being on it, your food cards are refilled (if you will) depending on your last name.
Secondly, the welfare system basically gives you an increase in tax-payers dollars, the more children you have.
You also get a card for gas (specifically) or rather just cash for free spending and your housing, which in some states is what they call...Lotto. So, after 2-3 years of applying eventually you get a form that tells you to make an appointment.
Living in not one, but 3 of these places...why? Well I worked my (censored) off and it eventually became subsidized. So, the people who didn't work got to live what I paid $600.00 for practicaly nothing.
So, it's not a food shortage, it's an issue that goes far beyond that. And it starts with leaders.
When will you have a GOOD - POSITIVE influencing leader?
When they start living like you do and STOP with the outings, vacations and other millions of dollars worth of spending.
Over-population doesn't come from from someone that thinks it through. Over population, comes from people who don't and expect other people to pay for what their actions encure (sp).
Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 09/24/13 06:27 PM.