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The only way I've found to get rid of them (and this is in the home-only) is to out think them...

Since I've had the honor of meeting them personally, it's like trying to describe a foriegn visit to Peru, or losing a home in a tornado, to someone that hasn't actually had one of those experiences.

They are real and on top of this, say you go into a forrest and/or off a trail you're not covered and you pick up Poison something...ivy, oak, whatever.

When there's an open wound of some type, even dry skin, they're drawn to it.

My feelings...I'm always writing in "feelings" not telling people what to do, but when "boils" have an underground "burrow" of some type connecting them and BTW, these guys aren't just a rash...

They leave designs. They are almost methodical. So, say triangle, sphere or circular mathmatical shapes (not the word I'm looking for) but even half moon shape bites.

I went through 2 local bug co's. One said, "We don't handle anything like that." The other "We should merge rodent protocal with infestations and..."

That person took me step by step what these things can do and well - he was dead on. They did them to me. The elderly and the young and those even that are healthy are at risk as they weaken whatever immune system you've got going on.

Thy're real. Watch more out for them in fall and shortly after Spring.

Bleach floors if you get them, but you want NOT to get them in the home. Because when just a few are brought in from something or someone else, they flourish again frown

Karen Elleise
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Oh, something else I seem to find is that some hosts are more attractive than others. That one I'm still working on.

What you don't want is to be mis-diagnosed or accept something it isn't like psychosis or dermat- whatever...because if you do, in a file it will be you accepted that as the reason and take your drugs and may or may not go back again and again depending how much money you've got to keep going back.

I will say permethrin or something like that name doesn't work, but steroids and antibiotics help to an extent, but you really don't want to depend on either, because you'll have an external doing your internal "fighting-system" for you.

Just a thought.

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 09/12/13 05:07 PM.

Karen Elleise
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My dear friend in Australia has what sounds like the absolute identical thing. She was just diagnosed with Scrub Typhus Rickettsial infection - a virus/bacterial combo from rat mites, which she had in her shed. She is very very ill - very anemic and a very low immune system. She is taking barley grass and zinc tablets and liquid iron drink...also she's kinda figured out a regime - if she has a hot shower it opens her pores - then she and her hubby spray engine starter on them, and they come out and die. Then they scrub that off, and she smothers herself in tea tree oil, eucalyptus, and lavender oil. That soothes her skin and helps keep killing the mites. She knows several other people with this horrifying affliction, which may be on its way to epidemic proportions. I do NOT believe this infection is of NATURAL design. Just MHO.

Last edited by Shannon Lee Wolf; 09/12/13 03:53 AM.
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Gosh! What a nightmare!

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"I do NOT believe this infection is of NATURAL design. Just MHO."


At this point I don't either, BUT it's one of those things where there's more than one "Mite" involved.

What my experience was...

A.) It's bed bugs - Paid, signed a contract, etc.
B.) Oh, well if you guys are still getting bit, we need to look again. Hmmmm...There's bat droppings in the attic. It must be bat bugs.
C.) O.k. NOW I'M PS'D and my flesh is falling off! I want someone out here NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They came out, took the samples and said they'd send them to their guy in Chicago (It's their Labratory). Heard nothing back.

Called them, they said, my boss didn't see anything. I said,"You said they (the samples) were going to Chicago. They didn't make it there did they???????

(Pin Drop...) like the guy got caught w/his pants down. Mhm...

"I just happen to have some more, what do you want me to do w/them?"

"Uh....I have to check w/the boss. I'll BRB (went outside to make a phone call, have no idea what was said). K...we can take them and have a specialist 'on-site' look at them."

Heard nothing back for weeks. You've gotta call and make it happen. Never seen anything like this, ever!

It'll go like that.

They'll call it anything but what I feel strongly it is. I feel they are BIRDMITES.

I don't know about the engine fluid stuff. What's in it? I'd try to stay natural. But usually one host will get them, the desireable one, and then they'll cross over to the other person.

You'll feel a pinch though. When they bite. What I do is get my hand wet and sprinkle some salt on it right away. I bleach the floors and the tub areas and all towels and clothes go into the wash after use.

Tar soap they dislike and you can't just sit in bath water, you've gotta scrub and not with one of those wimpy female plastic back scrubers. They'll just wait for you in the humid pores next time around.

Tee-trea oil helps as well as borax and out thinking them. If you've more than one room, alternate sleeping. Seal off the other for months. Make 'em work for it, lol. Keep your sense of humor and DON'T think it's you or accept that boils are just so common...Go to a different doctor.

Oh, heavy plastic tubs work. Forget garbage bags. I have a photo soewhere of what they did to a pair of gloves I put on after I sprinkled it with a powder. Same marks on my body. I'll see if I can find it.

Oh, another thing, roll up your pants when you're cleaning. you'll pick them up off the floor and take them with you whereever or whatever room you go to. They like cotton and paper products...ya thinkin' the Charmin route...? They go there too grin

They're biting now...so thought I'd lay it all right out in the open. They are here. And, the leaves aer just barely starting to fall. They bite worse when you sweat, so keep cool and try to keep your windows, if you've treees handing over your house, closed.

It's a clever way to get people our of the roural areas...especially funded ones...hmmmm

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 09/12/13 05:51 PM.

Karen Elleise
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I'm with Allyson on this one a Nightmare for sure. Can you imagine an epidemic of these creatures. This is really scary.

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Actually, I can and I've chipped the photos and sent them out so other people can compare them to what theirs look like.

My experience has been these carry BOTH viruses and Bacterial invasions. They seem to or appear to be cross-breeding and/or communicating w/eachother.

So, say you've a rash...that's not gonna be it. They are separate bubble like bites you don't see right away. Like a chiggar bite or blister. Whether you scratch them or not, they bubble up on the ridges.

When it happened to me, it felt like a female insect was laying eggs or something and as they embrioed (don't have the right word...grew, hatched? they made under the skin burrows to the next "city" The cities merged and that's when you begin losing top layers of skin, but they'll call it,

"A 2nd infection."

They bite in lines, circles and can even make triangles. Scabbies are more waxy, hard, dead-skin fungus type thing. These ooze and travel.

I finally got it when I had tracks up and down each side of my spinal chord. If you were going to tak out a host where would you attack? Nervous system...immune system, anything making you docile confused

That's why I'm always saying get whatever you can...in as much in hand as possible...not digital. That can all be changed.

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Yes...not natural at all, just like Lyme's and Morgellons -- YES, Morgellons is REAL, not psychosis! I am convinced that she has Morgellons AND Scrub Typhus...as she has symptoms of both. Strange fibers and other stuff coming out of her sores... But yeah, this Scrub Typhus is carried by bird mites, too, and is a combo of bacterial and viral infection...and YES, they do crossbreed! At this point, my friend isn't so concerned about the battery lubricant toxicity, as she is dangerously ill and will do anything to get rid of them. Rock bottom iron levels, and a shot immune system. Not to sound morbid...but this infection can be fatal. :( I found this forum link that might be helpful...you are so not alone in coping with these intelligent mites... (I put spaces in so that it would let me post) http :// curezone. com/forums/fm . asp ?i=832676#i

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Here's a link to what is currently, according to Mayo Clinic (of which I've been) being the definition of Morgellons.

Morgellans Disease

I'll have a lot to say on the matter as well as some more information. It helps to have contacts. This is what I meant a year or two ago about building your networks. Knowing who and what you'd trust and how far you'd be willing to aid someone in legitimate need.

First off - it's not mysterious in the least. But imagine as someone mentioned...what if there were to be an outbreak.

This isn't conspiracy or anything like it. Seers or "Pattern Identifiers" which I like to call them, even Clairvoyance (which literally translates to clear-seeing) their lives are or can be contrasting because what they are delivering is something of a "message" or vision that has yet to be.

Mites...the ones I'm speaking of in particular, we've gotten to know eachother quite well, lol.

The are so small, you won't see them. Smaller than a grain of sand, even smaller then a pepper dot. Like the pepper that comes already out of a shaker.

These mites, first off, they cling. They have the ability to lay flat (thus the need to scrub). Loofas won't work, you'll be basically purchasing them housing. Plastic scrub brushes, unless you plan to throw them out after every use, they'll hang out until your next bath-time.

They are drawn to blood, bruises and it appears, women more than men. My mother just a few weeks ago, tried to make a joke and said I inherited a sensitivity to them. She's half right.

I don't have allergies, not even hayfeever.

At this point, if I had to make a guess...those whom are mesquito attractive will have the hardest time of them.

I feel they carry things like salmonella (sp), chlamydia, but what's AGAIN significant about these is their designs.

I've processed new photos. I'll post them probably next week. They will make circles. but each bite will be separate. They can make the bulls-eye thing, like Lyme Disease photos, but if you know someone, they'll quickly rule that out.

The issue really comes down to, at least what I'm trying to do is save you money, NOT freak a person out and just use common sense plus a really good doctor!

I feel many new doctors will be of military standing. Nothing wrong w/that. I honor our military. Even so, you'll still want a good one.

The first sign of rolling of eyes and patronizing, smile, be polite and keep looking for someone that will listen.

They tend to go for feet and hands first. But not palms, top of hands, top of feet and BTW...SCABBIES??? those are normaly found in the webs of fingers and toes. Not oozing on arms and shoulders and tummy areas among other places and believe me, there is NO entrance these mites have dared to go...not a single one wink

Last edited by Elleise - Clairvoyance; 09/14/13 05:23 AM.

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Haha, no disrespect dear friend, but don't get me started on the Mayo Clinic and the CDC! They are governmental supporters and would never admit to the Truth about many illnesses. They aren't at all honest about certain conditions that they KNOW the gov has created via vaccines and chemtrails. For instance, they have merged together Gulf War Syndrome, CFS, and Fibro as the same. One part of the gov admits that GWS is biowarfare agent poisoning, and the other part says it's a mystery. The fact that they have merged these illnesses is a clear sign that CFS and Fibro are biowarfare poisoning. I have CFS and Fibro, and Jade has GWS. I've been researching Morgellons for a while now, and the cover-ups are staggering. The fibers that emerge from the skin are NOT fabric fibers at all, not even close. They are ALIVE and GROW in petri dishes. Unidentifiable tiny crystals and chips of many shapes, sizes, colors, and textures also emerge from the sores. These fibers have been proven to be in chemtrails, along with human blood cells and heavy toxins. Many of the the fibers also resemble fibers found in Chicken McNuggets. Funny that Bill Gates (the master of human culling via vaccines) is on the McD's Board of Directors! :( But...as it turns out, what my friend had thought were fibers coming out of her sores, were actually mite larvae that move and flash across her skin. So, she thankfully DOESN'T have Morgellons! :) She's getting intravenous antibiotics (doxycycline), that she says is working on the mites, which is very different from Morgellons, but again, not natural! Here is an article with pics of what comes out of Morgellons patient's skin...(again, I put spaces in so it would post) http : // morgellonsexposed. com/ McNuggets vid - very gross!: http :// www. youtube. com/ watch? v=Xvf2RPO_EzU

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