Hey guys,
I'm going through a tough time at the moment in all aspects and was shocked to find out that I was pregnant again - something my life is definitely not prepared for!
Anyway last week on Tuesday night (after 4 weeks of pregnancy) I had some light bleeding, very bright blood which only lasted for a few hours and then went away, I was relieved as I thought I had miscarried until I took a pregnancy test this Monday which confirmed I was still pregnant when my hormones should have by then been showing that I wasn't.
Stressed to the maximum I started taking some natural herbs etc to assist in the completion of my miscarriage.
Tonight (Wednesday - the week after my initial blood passing) I wasn't feeling too well and went to the toilet to discover a blood clot (a few centimeters big) and some blood, which ceased almost straight away.
My thoughts are that maybe I had an incomplete miscarriage and maybe just now passed the baby? :(
Please let me know if you think you might have some answers or if you've had a similar experience.
I have been through miscarriage before but it was much more full on, painful and I bled for 2 weeks, however I was much further along.
Any guidance would be appreciated, thank you!