Dear Cookie 60.
First, you mentionned that you are a beleiver in God.When I was a beleiver,I knew that anything that happened,i.e. sickness desease etc. were not God's doing.God is Love.I was raised by amother that had 3 mental conditions,never blamed God for that.
I inherited these 3 mental desease ,never blamed God for that.
It is in the inheritance of any human being to one day become sick,get hurt,die.
To that woman,try to imagine what Jesus would say to her?
Do the same thing. One does not overcome hate ,with hate but with Love. God the Almighty knows everything and nothing that happens in life.Have you heard of the boomerang effect?
What this woman is planting will come back to her.It is one of the Laws of life.It is maybe time to get closer to your God for courage to live your sickness the strongest way possible,and let life take care of that woman.You wrote:what can I say when she comes back and I know she will she comes at least once a week.I am so sick of people judging me.can someone help me with what to say?
So my dear,your house is your domain,and you let enter only those you choose.Just tell her with compassion,that she is not allowed in YOUR domain anymore.
May your God be with you,by the way ,I know he is
With loving kindness