For my mental health priority (my one main priority right now), I have one short term goal right now - to take my first set of meds *before* i get out of bed, and to remember to take my afternoon meds each day. I have been having trouble being reliable about this and want it to be a habit. I need it to be a habit.
I do have various support systems - weekly peer counseling, a weekly case manager meeting, a weekly self esteem class and a weekly WRAP class (sort of a recovery program for mentally ill clients).
Physical health priority - I have made appts with a my new dr to talk about various health concerns and plans for my care. And to make sure i do get in at least 15 minutes of movement each day, plus some fiber, one fruit and one veggie daily, or else take vitamins and powder fiber. (i am trying to keep this uber simple until these things are habits).
So there it is right now - health. And that really is plenty for my plate at this time.