Thanks Dr. Joy. As usual a complete disconnect for me in the humor dept. I speak American English and think like a Mexican so the comment Lori posted is not corny/humorous to me. In Mexico if somebody says something like that to you they usually mean it and not as a joke or a motivational tool...I still have trouble with the English or American sense of humor when it comes to personal jokes. MIL is English and sometimes I just don't get that she's poking fun and being corny but I'm learning...
Hi Monica, yes, the way humour is told (and accepted) across the world is really interesting. Brits can have a very dry/dark sense of humour and it is not uncommon for things they say to be taken as insults rather than the compliments they actually are.
The next time your MIL says something that upsets you, just listen to her
actual words and consider what else they could mean. I�m sure you�ll find that her comments have much affection behind them! (JOY)