Wish I had found this two years ago when trying to help daughter with her issues of Hashimoto's. I have been EVERYWHERE on the internet. Found much information. Began iodine supps and they helped her. Still - can the Hashimoto's just go away?
They removed half of her thyroid 8 years ago. For nothing. They scared her with --cancer-- of course. Now, I just fear for her health. Thru my poking around, I at least got the info on gluten sensitivity and others...where NOT ONE DOCTOR did!
I am really interested in mms. Would like to try it on my dogs - one has extreme allergies - the other pancreas issues. And me, too (gallbladder removal, melanoma, goiter), before her.
I am just getting tired of getting the info years after the fact.
Thank you for the info, Arrow. I am JUST now beginning my looking into mms! :)
Last edited by HappyMe09; 02/01/13 03:57 AM.