Did you hear( a while ago) about the city buses in Toronto (and in a U.S. city, I believe) that posted atheist signage on the sides? My gawd, what a curfuffle from the religious faction ! Wow, what would happen if WE protested re: the religious propaganda that's 'thrown in our faces'? We'd probably be throw in jail never to be seen again.
Seriously? The rights of Christians are being tested everyday. We are not allowed to pray in schools, Creationism cannot be taught in schools but eolution is, The powers that be have changed he terms B.C. and A.D. have been changed to BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era), they want to take Christ out of Christmas. Need I go on?
You are right though that Christians should not judge Atheists or Pagans or anyone with different religious beliefs. God will do that if He sees fit to.
There is a big BIG difference between not being allowed to have formal prayer in school (something that would, indeed, impinge the rights of non-Christians), however, there is nothing that prevents a student from silently praying. So, where is the infringement?
Creationism, which is faith-based, and not science, should be taught not at school, but either at home, or in a religious institution. Remember - it isn't science, no matter how much you would like it to be. Sorry - there are some very rigorous standards, and it doesn't pass them. It doesn't predict outcome that can be tested. Science does. Evolution does.
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