Personally, I don't believe that the addition of Hogan & Bischoff can hurt a product that seems to be struggling anyway.
Their last pay-per-view(Bound for Glory) did not do as well as they thought. The pay-per-view was the first one I watched since I started showing interest in the company about two years ago and I was not impressed.
TNA's backstage struggles are very apparant in the ring. Their recent push of their young stars has the Veterans backstage giving half hearted performances.(except Angle).
At the momement, TNA seems to be looking as they are headed for the old WCW days. Vince Russo, Hogan & Bischoff??? The writing is on the wall. I hope not, because I feel TNA has some outstanding young talent. Lets hope that those three have learned their lessons from the old NWO days and Dixie keeps a tight reign on the, "three amigos".