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Below is a link that you might like to review. It explains about the different branches of Christianity and their origins. Maybe it can help to shed some light on some questions you have.

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Last edited by Phyllis, NA and Folk; 11/12/08 01:23 PM.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
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Oh my gosh, there is so much I didn't know. Thank you.

I don't see where the born-again Christians fit into these branches.

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Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
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Born-again Christian is just referring to the Biblical passage:

John 3:

1Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2He came to Jesus at night and said, "Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him."
3In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.[a]"

4"How can a man be born when he is old?" Nicodemus asked. "Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born!"

5Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. 6Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit[b] gives birth to spirit. 7You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You[c] must be born again.' 8The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Being "born again" just means that your spirit has "died" to the world and been "reborn" into the Spirit of Jesus.

All Christian faiths believe this, but may just not use the term "born-again".

And as far as not wanting to talk with your BF for fear of seeming less knowledgable - this is the most important thing you can talk about. Everyone is always learning when it comes to God. We can never know all there is - at least not until the day we die and join Him in heaven. So don't feel bad if you don't "know as much".

The person that thinks they know it all is usually the one that falls into temptation the fastest - and that includes pastors!

Michelle Taylor
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Originally Posted By: ChelleLaunch&Spirituality
And as far as not wanting to talk with your BF for fear of seeming less knowledgable - this is the most important thing you can talk about. Everyone is always learning when it comes to God. We can never know all there is - at least not until the day we die and join Him in heaven. So don't feel bad if you don't "know as much".

I will swallow my pride and start asking him questions. I guess I can let him know he's wiser than I...in ONE subject...wink wink!

Thank you all for shedding light on this; it's making more sense.

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Originally Posted By: dmichelle
There are so many things about Catholicism that I don't believe...I have a real problem with Priests not being permitted to marry, and I agree, confession is absurd.

I cried because I thought..here we go again...CHANGE... I have to become born-again if this relationship is acceptable in the "Christian" church. I really felt the minister was telling him that he should call it quits with me unless, of course, I get baptized. His "unbeliever" interpretation made me sad.

I think you are right Chelle, this guy is the best thing that ever happened to me. He's opposite of any guy I ever dated, and everything I prayed for. I need to chill out and listen to what God is trying to tell me. I tend to think way too much, and this is all so new to me. Maybe I need to stop thinking of it as a burden, and I'll hear God's message.

Don't go with a guy or leave a guy because you dont think the church will accept it. Who cares what the church thinks about your relationship. You dont need a church to be with God but it is good for fellowship. If you love him beyond a shadow of a doubt and he loves you beyond a shadow of a doubt, then isn't that the most important thing?

Do not let a minister goad you into or out of something. If he is a true minister of the word of God, then he will accept you as you are. Not because you haven't been baptized.

Vance Rowe
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Yes Vance, I believe love is the most important thing. I really hope that some day I get to experience the REAL DEAL!

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There are other denominations of Christianity beside Catholics which baptize babies. Methodists, Episcopalians, Greek Orthodox, Presbyterians, and Lutherans are a few. I am a Methodist who grew up an Episcopalian. In those two denominations, and probably the others, infant baptism is a sign of God's acceptance of us from the start. These denominations have another rite, Confirmation, which occurs later (when the person is old enough to accept Christ on their own).

In the Bible, in the story about the Centurian who accepts Christ, it says his entire household, slaves included, were baptized at the time he accepted Christ as his Savior. It is probable that infants and/or children were members of that household.

Anyway, the denominations which baptize babies are not saying that babies make any kind of choice to be baptized. They are saying that God "wants" that child, that the child belongs to God, that the church owes that child an upbringing in the church. The parents, God-parents, and the congregation promise to assist in the godly upbringing of the child, thus, increasing the chances that the child will be familiar enough with Christ to choose Christ when he is older.

As a Methodist, I believe in God's prevenient Grace, that is, grace that goes BEFORE us. Prevenience is one aspect of God's grace. God's grace preceeds us wherever we go on our life-journey. It is there before we know what it is. Infant baptism goes right along with the concept of prevenient Grace. It is a way of acknowledging that God/Christ accepts us before we even know who he is. His acceptance is what is so amazing about his love for us. It is a gift there for the "taking." All we have to do is invite Him into our hearts. It's about His generosity, His desire to be close to us. Well, you probably get the picture.

Anyway, in my opinion, neither "method" of baptism excludes the other from being "right." I think both ways of doing this are valid--whether you separate the water event from the confirmation event OR wait until the person is older and have it all occur at once. To me,if someone calls themself a Christian, you pretty much have to take them at their word--regardless of their denomination. Once you get to know them, you will know whether they live their faith or not. You find true Christians in just about every denomination. (And, you'll find non-Christians there, too--no surprise.)

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Oh, I just remembered something I once heard a nun say about why Catholics pray to saints as well as to God and Jesus. She said praying to a saint is like talking to a friend and asking that friend to pray for us. This made perfect sense to me. How many times have we asked friends to "intercede" for us? And, if we believe in eternal life, would it really be far-fetched to believe that the saints are able to listen to our concerns?

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Originally Posted By: cela
Oh, I just remembered something I once heard a nun say about why Catholics pray to saints as well as to God and Jesus. She said praying to a saint is like talking to a friend and asking that friend to pray for us. This made perfect sense to me. How many times have we asked friends to "intercede" for us? And, if we believe in eternal life, would it really be far-fetched to believe that the saints are able to listen to our concerns?

Cela, I like that. It does help understanding more when it is put that way.

I had always had it explained to me that in the Catholic church you had to pray through an intercessory. That is where I was confused.

And I don't think either way of baptizing is better than the other, either (sprinkling, dipping, dunking, whatever).
I have heard the Baptists say that we "dunk" because that is what was done to Jesus, then I have heard (I think it was Methodist) say they sprinkle because they believe that Jesus was dunked - and we do not deserve to be baptized in the same manner as Him, since we are not perfect like Him. It is the reason behind the baptizing that truly defines whether one is a Christian or not.

Because if an elderly person were completely home-bound, and could not be baptized in the church, but still expressed salvation - then they are only missing the water part. They have already made the important decision with God.

Michelle Taylor
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