Hi, everyone. This may sound mad, but I had really bad acne in high school and I was taken to the dermatologist by dear ole' mommie and to her surprise, guess what he told me to use....mind you I'm now 41 with beautiful skin that started one year after doing what he told me to do....Lava soap. I know, I know....you think I'm crazy but so did my mom. I had become ashamed of going to school and the flare-ups were hard to deal with especially being light skinned...the bumps would get red. I used the lava soap, getting a good lather everytime and applied it to the face (not under the eye area) and was told to leave on for no more than thirty seconds to a minute twice a day. I still have pictures that showed a dramatic improvement within two weeks. I was so amazed and it was so important to my social life as a teen. Try it if you think I'm lying and then give us your testimony.
And here's the kicker, I only had to do this once a day once I got in my early twenties and no more problem after about 22 or 23. Even now, I used it to get the oil glands under control but sparingly since I'm older now and Whala! it works perfect everytime.
There are so many products out on the market that are so very harsh if not expensive and a bit over the top and yet here is a natural item with ingredients (per the dermatologist) that control the oiliness in skin without abrasion if done right.
P.S. Plant some bulbs today....(smile)
Last edited by Kimmie - Bulb Garden Lady; 07/05/08 03:01 PM.