You think this is 'hot'....?
You should try the Richard Dawkins site!
Man, the profanities, the insults the cussedness!
Compared to some of the posters on there, we're genteel victorian demure coy and blushing roses!!
And to be honest, I saw nothing confrontational in anyone's posts here, I think everyone has behaved with politeness and courtesy. Put it this way. if we were all sitting chatting in one room, face to face, I don't think nayone would have walked out, let alone spilled their tea.....Nobody's insulted anyone, nobody's been rude, verbally violent or abusive.
For goodness sakes, we're grown women - we put up with worse from our teenage children!
The written word, in its simple premise, carries all kinds of misleading connotations, precisely because it's all we've got.
No body language, no eye contact, no verbal inflection...
just 'black and white'.
By the way, I do see where you're coming from.
I am a moderator on three other sites, so I can see why you'd think things may be getting warm.
But I, for one, don't believe they are.....
Thank you for listening.
As Dr. Frazier Crane would say.