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I think it's important to point out, that we have high times and low times. It's a composite. Precognitions aren't to shock people or tell of doom and gloom, but should be anyway, used for helpful preparations. Everything rebounds...

1.) For one, attitude has a great deal to do with how people will be effected. Trust YOU have an ability to change things, especially in proximity to home and family.

2.) In all honesty I feel people already know something is coming. I think this is why we are so desperate for change. But consider someone under medical emergency in the home, panicking and just grabbing any bottle in the medicine cabinet or drowning and you just reach for anythinhg to keep afloat, even if it's another person. These days have no quick and immediate fix. Look past, lumping feelings generically into one category such as stress or job so that personal empowerment will have more of an impact close to the home. I feel the whole family will need to pull together.

3.) Cut back - way back! Even if you think you already are, go back in and reasess. If you have to go out to eat, look for those 5 for 5.95 deals. Go out to the lake or a scenic drive for the ambiance if you're used to the catering of a sitdown meal. If you know you have to buy something new, electronics, outfits etc. every week, knock it off. The household provider(s) will appreciate it greatly, even if it's you.

4.) Self-discipline. Pay for items in cash. Once you're out, you're out.

5.) Residual income feels important. Get paid for something you're good at.

6.) Tell the kids, "NO." Even if it hurts, you may think going without so the kids can have their extras is helping the bigger picture but it doesn't. Let the keeping up w/the Jones's slide. You will be all the more suave for having done so. If there's peer pressure, other parent's incomes are hurting as well. Know that you know.

7.) Now that fall is here, practice growing inside. Dry seeds, try different herbs, see what works and doesn't work so you have the knowledge for next spring.

8.) Bring excitement in the house so you don't have to go out. The temptation to spend will be less. Try a new language or new flavor for dinner. Pretend you are traveling, have floor picnics. Kids will love it.

9.) Land more than home seems to be important. One with it's own private water source. Terrorist attacks will increase. Identities will have a problem tracking.

10.) Don't believe the headlines. If you feel you're hitting a recession, go with it. Don't wait for someone else to tell you.

The gov't will claim to be able to fix our problems, I see little for this in the near future. I see entrepenures aiding the economy however. I see more companies going overseas.


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Trepidatious - that's the best word I can use to describe my feelings right now. In previous elections, I have experienced flashes when seeing candidates on TV. Unfortunately these are not positive in nature.

It really has nothing to do with party affiliations, as I try very hard to focus on the person running for election.

With Obama, I've had those "flashes" but also some really weird thoughts, images, and feelings "creeping" upon me. I'm trying very hard to be objective, but finding it more and more difficult.

The weird thoughts, images, and feelings are a bit similar to those I experienced prior to the Oklahoma City Bombing, and I have absolutely no clue as to why. I'm not a "Doomsdayer" but I'm actively planning and preparing for some hard times, and again, not really sure why.

As far as the economy, we've all got to get off our behinds and make changes. It's just common sense to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. No clairvoyance needed there. I think of it as "Inter-Independence," that is relying on ourselves, our families and our friends, and not waiting for Uncle Sam to come in and take care of problems. This type of independence is what made our Country so strong, and I think it's a huge step in getting us through hard times which may be coming.

OK, I'm off the soap box

Last edited by lcp012586; 09/03/08 08:18 PM.

Jane Winkler, Editor
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Originally Posted By: lcp012586

As far as the economy, we've all got to get off our behinds and make changes. It's just common sense to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. No clairvoyance needed there. I think of it as "Inter-Independence," that is relying on ourselves, our families and our friends, and not waiting for Uncle Sam to come in and take care of problems. This type of independence is what made our Country so strong, and I think it's a huge step in getting us through hard times which may be coming.

I so agree with these words! We cannot just sit in our homes and hope that the people in office do the right thing. We are an important part of the changes in our country and if we do nothing then we have no reason to complain.

As far as seeing or sensing psychically what is ahead, I, too, have trepidations and an uneasy feeling. I just pray that all turns out well for the benefit of our country and economy.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
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Well put ICP. Regardess who becomes the next president, these issues won't be going away anytime in the near future. The people that feel the govt will sweep in and save the day will be the ones hit the hardest.

The deal with Obama feels like the energy I get when a little kid wants 3 candybars in one sitting. It sounds just wonderful and there is some taste there, but the after effects leave something less than desired.

I still feel he is elected and I feel this is a "race" driven race. A step in the light for African Americans. It feels simply emotionally driven and nothing more. I also feel and I hate to say this, it's something that feels short lived. I feel i want a back up plan with this and something else going on unbeknownst to Obama. Something someone else is counting on in the house. More war too...I just hate this frown. Together it will be faired though smile

Really, everyone taking as much responsibility in their own hands in regards to their own surroundings makes the greatest mark. The famous "Ask not what your gov't can do for you but what you can do..." (JFK) comes to mind.


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Reading your post, the word I've been searching for FINALLY came to me. You touched on it. The word is UNDER-CURRENTS.

Maybe the reason I'm feeling so trepidatious is that I'm sensing under-currents around Obama. As you put it, "something else going on unbeknownst."

It really clicked in me this is the source of the weird feelings creeping upon me. There's something back there, and I can't really put my finger on it. I've had speculations which I've voiced with my husband. But being only speculations, they don't bear repeating. The rumor mill certainly has enough fuel.

My concern is that we, as a Country, pick the best person, not personality, for the job. As for Obama's possible election being a "Step in the light for African Americans," I think it should be a "Step in the light for ALL Americans." It's been 4 decades since Martin Luther King spoke of not judging one by the color of their skin, but by their character.

This is expecially pertinent for me. My family is Native American, White American, African American, and with my cousin's adoption of a beautiful little girl from China, Asian American as well. We ARE the American Melting Pot, so above all, we are Americans.

I fully realize not all families are as diverse as mine, and that this presidential election does include racial elements. I just wish we could get beyond that and concentrate on who will be best for America.

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Undercurrents - smile Wonderful word. Now that there's a starting point, do you get anything more? This is one of the areas I teach on focus and accuracy. It's the hardest I think.

When I'm mustering around for that one thing - it's so irritating, it's like you just have this itch you can't scratch for the longest time. It hangs around until I hit something relevant and miraculously the smoky curtain begins to part, as I call it, and on w/the show.

Something else,...I think I posted in the republican forum, (BTW I don't favor either party, I just happen to get a lot of energy from Obama) that I felt neither candidate was really ready for the job at hand and that the person who was, was not in the lime light. This will probably sound nuts, but after 20 + years of this I should be used to it, lol. Palin, to me anyway, feels more substantial than Mccaine. Haven't a clue what that means and as for women's issues, more feels that it will be accomplished through Palin, over Obama. In all honesty, if there were three candidates, I would consider seriously, Palin. i still get radical, FINANCIAL, ties w/Obama and terrorists. People will see it as hes trying to end wars. It has to do w/money more than peace. It feels something hasn't been exposed that will be - this feels quite strong...not just the back and forth quibbling of two parties fighting. (i can just tell I'll be editing this. I'm all over the place, lol)

I stay out of the gossip trends but for when someone comes to me say in a reading or just conversation. Idon't know the whole scoop on any of the candidates right now. I think it would suade my judgement. For myself though I still can't interpret the, "short-lived" part w/Obama, I still feel the "house" has another agenda for him as well as he for his presidency. I'm not sure if he starts out strong and fades or is elected and removed.

I agree whole and true-heartedly with "race" in this country. Really, it's something that only holds the person back holding on to it. Everyone is beautiful unless they go out of their way not to be.

My fiance has his own business so we travel anywhere from CA to NY and I pay attention. This is what I see in all of the states that we've been in. People are getting along. White, black, oriental, hispanic, asian, arab. There really doesn't seem to be, "the issue" out there that outspoken people say there is. It's almost as if there are some people who want to keep it going and the majority have gotten over it already and embrace life instead of condeming it.


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Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 09/09/08 04:20 PM.

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The people who seem to want to keep racial issues to the forefront I refer to as pot-stirrers. They have to keep the pot stirred to keep the donations for their organizations coming in. Thus it appears they are doing good work to fight racial injustice. Sometimes the focus they place on these "racial injustices" only garnishes the opposite of their goal.

I'm from SC and remember well the NAACP's fight to get the Confederate flag removed from the top of the Capital Building. The Govenor "relented" to the demands and removed it from the top of the Capital building, where no-one could actually see it without binnoculars. They then placed it on a flag pole at the Confederate Memorial on the grounds. Now everyone can see it from their car. Nothing really came from all the threats of protests, marches, and boycotts, except the NAACP undoubted received many contributions to support their efforts, and the State of SC spent quite a bit on lawyers.

Personally, I think everyone lost something in this situation, except those who sell confederate flags, as people were scarfing them up and displaying them all over the place. The whole thing ended up ticking off a bunch of people on both sides of the issue.

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I hadn't thought of it like that before, but I guess you're right. If they only have one source of income and it's hate driven then revamping that hate would kind of work for them a bit like a fund driver > that just saddens me.

No wonder people walk around w/chips on their shoulers. They're lead by example.


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Originally Posted By: lcp012586
The people who seem to want to keep racial issues to the forefront I refer to as pot-stirrers. They have to keep the pot stirred to keep the donations for their organizations coming in.

I totally beg to differ. The more we pretend that racial issues don't exist, the more out of control they become. It's the kind of focus you put on it that separates the "pot-stirrers" from people who want to change it. The current "pot-stirrers" you seem to be referring to are the black activists like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, who want to keep the toxic victimology philosophy alive by riling up the inner city black population.

What someone like Obama wants to do, and it keeps getting warped by the republican media, is to be over with the non-productive victimology and start moving in a direction that will uplift these communities, by showing them that they can switch their focus onto making their lives better. It's like introducing the positive effects of Law of Attraction to a community that has used it to keep themselves in a dark and angry place for many decades. Some of these communities are rebelling against Obama because he expects them to start owning up to their own part in getting wedged into stuck place they now inhabit in society. He wants to turn a switch on within their communities, and get them feeling like they can be something better. Obama has also included the Native American population, not just blacks. He wants to eradicate the never ending spiral of guilt and repentance that impoverished communities and the US government have been enlessly circling around in. How is this a terrible thing? I think it's better than what is going on now, and gaining force.

Honestly, if Elleise's visions are correct about the uprising from the black community, the above would more than likely be the reason why. But so what? Let them have their temper tantrums. That's what spoiled brats do when they don't get their way. They'll get over it. Change isn't easy sometimes. Most great changes in history have come with a lot of noise. But the rewards can be amazingly freeing.


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I'm not sure where this is going but... (cracking of knuckles) smile

Questions and topics coming from the outside help a lot. I can take my "stuff" and direct it, otherwise it's kind of like looking at a buffet from an arial view and trying to describe it.

First, if this is needing to be talked about, I don't have visions/feelings of specifically the black community rising up. Not in a positive way, nor negative. The brats stay the brats, the people inside the communities as well as role models, good and bad, aid or hinder the changes needing to be made. There's a reason for this. The energy is being used in argument and very little else. It's going to come down to this....I see a window of about 10 years. Of this 5 or 6 have already been used. The window is something like - black is in...I don't have the words - it's different (in media alone - this is IMPORTANT) it's false attention. The majority don't have an issue w/color. After this trend, they sink or swim just like every and ANY color out there. The feeling I get is the majority sink and it is out of laziness. This can change only if the following...

The boad and speedy change that is desired,comes from each taking responsibility and working together in unison, not out of resentment. I don't feel they can see this as it's almost like they feel they are letting an aspect down, should they go forward in a positive manner. Specifically, it feels to me, only on this subject, that it continues this way for more years than I am alive, regarless of champaign. I can't even go down that route or I'll never come back up for air. Again, their specific empowerment can only come from within. The more positive they are the quicker the change. Significant change, can come speedily, instead of waiting for someone else, black or white. This is just in the air in addition to other things globaly at this time.

I think when I was refering to a step up for the African americans, it was in reference to the primal drive, and this includes the woman Obama is with, "their focus" - but it has a negative twain to it. It doesn't feel I go forward in my optimal self within this campaign. This anger ties in w/radical groups, and angry current, which then piggy backs on to terroristic territories? Ties? It has not been verified just how deeply his ties go. Much of this will lie in funding. He will appear not to take govt money for himself, while being secretly funded by these groups. These are just feelings, not affirmed. Have to stress this.

This leads me to my feelings on upcoming war. I don't feel war goes away. In my soul I beleive most people, in most countries do not desire war or support it in the name of blood alone. It stands though, we are a country. Countries have armies. Whether we take ours down or not, the wars at stake continue but now on an extremist level. It feels threat is now closer to home than it has ever been since a major world war. I am against war. I feel this none the less. It litterly feels to me we are at a boiling point and the hatred, comes at me across waters. It is in the process as we speak. The wars come strategically at a time "this" force knows us to be weak or distracted as a whole. I am absolutely certain of this!

This brings me back to race. Because the focuss will be on these types of issues, we go into this at a disadvantage. I am still feeling we head into a recession. I feel Obama, because of his focus, he is less than able to handle what is coming this way.

I am not sold on either candidate at this time. There is more, let me regroup. smile Part of this will have to do w/Mcain and Palin. I do feel for the time being, though, not certain as to why, Palin feels stronger than Mcain. I know that's not politically correct and it has to do w/the types of changes we can see.

Like I said, I need to regroup and probably edit this...lol


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Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 09/17/08 01:51 PM.

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