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I'm curious to see if anyone else has a feeling as to which way the elections/economy/environment are heading. I don't usually focuss on politics unless I get a dream I can't shake but I've been getting impressions lately regardless.

For me personally, I see or feel Obama will be elected, but it makes my heart race like a jack rabbit. I can't quite figure this out unless the impact will be outstanding in that specific type of energy itself as a result of simply being elected. Right now, specifically at this point, I'm not sensing anything note-worthy outside of the election, just a lot of energy. I see him having grey hair, which I am wondering if that isn't symbolic of an ill-preparedness (is that a word?) because it seems the election is cut short possibly? I go back and forth on this. I am wondering if this isn't indicative of another Kennedy era. Does anyone else pick up anything?

The Wright person, I sense something having to do with the heart, either just problems in general with it or a heart attack at some point.

I sense continued food shortages and people needing to learn to some extent anyway an ability to prepare their own, just in general, like baking or growing, etc. something? I can't see how far down the line this is, but for me, I'm starting now. I also see land more than house being benefitial, especially one with a private water source. I'm thinking possible this is a sense of how to ride out the wave as comfortably as possible?

I've heard other people speaking of riots, etc. I'm not there yet though. I do sense inter-city type riots or more of them I'd say moving further outside of their primal areas.

I'm not sensing the economy corrects itself and even if the housing market allows for a house you might not have considered before-hand, still keep to a frugal hand regardless even if you feel pressured to get something more. Something happens, even if it's a bargain, in the future, maybe house/land tax that makes it very difficult to support based on appearance.

I also see more and more earth quakes and not in the norm/typical regions we might think of having them. Seems like the earthquake are leading up to something a change or exposure to something we did not consider or know about.

More and more people become independant of the Gov. in some manner and it follows more is exposed about it to the general public than before.

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Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 11/11/08 03:16 PM.

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Phyllis spoke of increased earthquake activity near her area in this week's newsletter. Just yesterday, I got one of my weird "hoarding" sensations, similar to those I had prior to the Oklahoma City Bombing. I'm a bit confused, as I haven't had a "gloom and doom" sensation since May 2000 and had hoped the precognition of airplane crashes and terrorist bombings part of my "gift" had been rescended. But my mind has been wondering at unusual moments to questions such as "how many candles do we have? how long could I make the food in the house last?"

The heavyness I have felt on my shoulders with past precognitive episodes is there, but not as bad. I think we all need to pay close attention to our surroundings and hunches, and share any tidbits of information that might come to us. If we can combine our gifts, maybe we can piece some things together.

I generally don't talk politics, but I'm apprehensive about Obama. This doesn't have anything to do with the negative press he's received lately. It started when he announced his inclusion in the presidential race, long before I knew anything about him. Apprehensive is the best way to describe it, and exactly why or what I'm apprehensive about, I can't put my finger on it.

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Apprehensive is the perfect word icp! My head pinches in the temples, my heart races and I'm short of breath when I look to this person. It's mostly felt in my head, though. I've not followed him per se but my fiance listens to a radio station that does and he will usually come to me and say, "Ye or nay" when I do feel something. It helps me pinpoint what's going on w/me.

I think for now I'm just greatful I can speak freely on the topic here while I'm trying to sort through everything. It just feels like an all hell breaks loose, upcoming.

I have to stress though, this is not "the end of the world" type thing, but it does seem that in the end there is but 5 people standing in the Gov. I dont' know that I'm around to see it though. I Have no idea what that's all about confused and think I'm pretty content not knowing, really.

Honestly, it feels none are prepared to handle the presidency as it stands, it feels more like an egotistical movement more than anything. Maybe some slight necessary changes are met, but that's about it, nothing significant.

I have the same food-counting candle shortage thing you've got going on too. It's been gaining in strength these past couple years. I don't know if this helps but there are dates, like 2012, 2013, 2017, 2025, 20027, 2038, 2042 or 53, like mile markers? Ten years ago I told my sister to put $3000 in a cookie jar somewhere, something happens in the 2000-teens - could be dispensing of cash or something - she's corporate but she's doing it.

I also had a dream that a head of lettuce was $2.38. In the dream I reached for it thinking it was .99 and put it back - decided to grow my own, but I do that now anyway, so I haven't a clue.

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Has anyone heard of a darkness coming at some point in time in the future? I had an awful dream lastnight and normally, when it feels like an experience, often it reflects something of relevence.

Anyway, it seemed like what I can ony try to describe as overcast-like, but it wasn't a useful haze like the foretelling of a storm front and it wasn't pitch black either. But everything was darker and it seemed to effect everything - people, growing things, etc.

Buildings were downtrodden, unkept or broken. There was running water, but people seemed to grab it where they could, mostly in out-buildings. Just curious.

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Originally Posted By: Eleise - Clairvoyance

I also had a dream that a head of lettuce was $2.38. In the dream I reached for it thinking it was .99 and put it back - decided to grow my own, but I do that now anyway, so I haven't a clue.

Hi Eleise, smile

Perhaps you were astraling to Western Australia. I can't remember how long ago lettuces were only 99c here. I paid $2.99 yesterday, and we have been told to expect more fresh fruit and veggie price increases in the near future.

I kmow this is off topic, but I'm curious as to why you see Obama winning as not a good thing...or have I interpreted it wrongly? I thought it would be a good thing and it seemed from the news over here that a very large percentage of Americans do as well.


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A lot of times feelings are going to be controversial and often won't go along with the general public.

At least in this perspective, the feeling I get with Obama is that it's not that it's a bad thing per-se, it's just not the good thing that people are seeing on the surface or expecting. Pre-mature, maybe? The sacrifice seems well worth the while, even in the future, when I look to this person. Sacrifice, seems to be a significant word. It comes up again and again - I could take this a few different ways, but for now it's just a word, or I'm making it one smile

The politically correct thing would be to say, that it's time for change and everything is going to fall into place and unite. I simply do not get that by any means in the matter, though there will be some changes. Change alone, by itself isn't inherently good or bad. There are consequences and no substance to the change itself unless you know exactly what it is that is going to be the change. Obama speaks change, it may not be the "change" the good of the country is needing during these times.

When it comes to him, it's hard to breathe and swallow and my head tingles as to what I do feel.

Every few days I check in as to why, what is the crisis so to speak. I'm just not a political person, so I try to move past this??? confused I will keep updating though...I just had to write somewhere. I really dislike, I know I said this already..lol, but politics and religion and debates. To me we're all wrong and a little right smile

Again, bad - I don't know is the term I'd use. I'm not sensing anything like Hitler...or another world war, at least not as of yet, but these are pre-election feelings and I'm resistant to them anyway. There will be a close threat to home, actually a lot of them.

Again, this person isn't prepared and knows they are not prepared. But, it's one of those things where I feel I can't turn back now and I run off of the energy I feel from others. My guess would be a responsibilty for the african american population? There is a lot of emotion with this man and NOT a lot of clear thinking. I don't have the words I'm looking for.

He will have disruptions with the female he is with as well - as if she feels it is her time to shine, kind of thing and pushes passionately...like a bottle when you shake it up and pop the top. Don't you just love symbolics?? It won't work for him though.

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Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 11/15/08 12:54 PM.

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It's strange you listed 2012 as the first date in your previous post. I've known of the Mayan calendar ending abruptly on 12/21/12 for years. Wow, this is the first time I have ever typed the date in that format and it looks/feels really weird. My 1st impression is binary numbers, such as those used for computers. (Have no clue where that came from)

What little of the writings from Central American which escaped the bonfires of the Spanish Monks do reference the end of the 4th world and beginning of the 5th world. The Hopi also have prophecy including 2012 as do several other prophecies. Some TV shows have theorized a meteor or comet affecting Earth that year and there are identified ones with coinciding trajectories. The un-identified ones worry me a bit.

I have sensed something for that year, or maybe pondered would be a better word. I have no explanation as to why a calendar, more accurate than the one we use today, including adjustments for the 20,000 year cycle of polar wobble, would just END after 5,000 years. I fear the answer was reduced to ashes.

The one source I haven't heard of any connections to 2012 is from the libraries of Edgar Cayce. I don't know if there aren't any, or if they are just not telling. But I feel sure someone must have looked into it.

I hate to sound foreboding, but this weekend, I cleared out some shelf space and we began stocking up on canned goods (they were on sale). I've also talked with my husband about doing some canning this summer, or at least learning how.

My sense is "preparation" and "attentiveness" but I have no clue as to what for. Yet, while I prepare and pay attention, I will not change my life any more than that at this time. It's just too short and I'm going to enjoy every minute I can.

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I know what you mean about not wanting to sound foreboding. I've found people have to be in the mood to hear about "change" and when you sense things, the sense itself isn't to be a bummer it's simply preparation. You would take the same kind of care before a test or trying something new, you know?

I wish it would be better understood, it isn't the end of the world kind of thing but more, the sense I get anyway, if you want to make things easier on yourself and people who can learn from you, begin, begin, begin, begin now, learing how to do things for yourself, such as growing, canning (like you mention), have a back up plan for electical outages, blankets, candles, etc. Pay attention to your parents or grandparents who can tell you how they did it. It can really be fun too.

It's funny you mentioned canning too. Last year I felt compelled to learn it...like a itch you can't scratch until you do. I'm not that domestic either but felt, especially in baby food, do it yourself. I don't have a baby crazy and take into consideration learning about herbal remedies/homeopathy.

Last year, I recycled every bit of compost I could (it felt like a trial run so to speak), dried seeds and dehydrated fruits so that I could learn to grow on practically nothing. Im not OC but I have to say, in this aspect I was going through garbage salvaging things other people in the household would throw away. Then I'd catch myself and say, "Drop it...drrroOOppp iT!" lol.

I started acting this way (hard-core), about 3 years ago.

I don't read a lot about predictions, so I'm appreciative there is some kind of affirmation from your end. I always felt the things I sensed would be tainted if I started reading what others were saying. I will read for support, like profiles on other, real mystics and psychics, like cayce, nostrdomous, st. john of the cross , to keep grounded.

The 2012/2013 thing: Really, it felt like the end of 2012 into 2013. It's not the end of the world though, but it seems the beginning of something and transition? 2025 seems big too. I don't care for that year too much or 2027. They both feel very very serious.

All this stuff passes. That's important to note, we go on. And there is verification of life on other planets.

As far as housing goes, land is more important than house and one with an independant water source if you can get it. Meaning even if it's a teny tiny house but with land, that's good smile

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Did you watch the Mystery of the Crystal Skulls on last night? It went into some detail on the 12/21/12 issue, connecting the Mayan Crystal Skulls with the calendar end. It was a pretty good show, what I caught of it.

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It's funny, but I did to some extent. What I caught of it as welll smile

I clicked on it going, "No way, we were just talking about this on Bella." So, I thought I should watch.

I thought it was interesting.

What do you think aobut the 13 skulls needing to come together?

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