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How Raven Named the Birds

Raven was always hungry. One day he saw some children playing with chunks of fat, throwing them back and forth to each other. He made himself look like one of them and joined the game. Each time he caught a piece of fat, he gulped it down. Soon the children noticed what he was doing. They tried to stop Raven, but he threw dog dirt at them until they ran away.

After he finished all the fat, he was still hungry. He looked around until he found a fishing camp, and flew down to see if there was any salmon hanging up to dry. He found no food, but he found a piece of jade with some carving on it half-buried in the ground.

He dug it up and was looking at it when he saw a big spring salmon jumping in the bay. He remembered some magic his uncle taught him. He spat on the stone and called to the salmon, "This green stone is calling you, you big fat salmon. Come here." But the salmon paid no attention. Raven scratched his head and tried to remember exactly what his uncle told him. Then he looked into his medicine back and found some bits of eagle down. He put them on the jade rock and called the fish again. The salmon swam right up to him. Raven hit it with a piece of wild celery and killed it.

Raven was too lazy to cook the fish by himself, so he called all the birds together. He told them to fetch some skunk cabbage leaves to wrap the salmon in, so they could bury it in the fire and roast it. When they came back with the leaves, he threw them on the ground, yelling, "These leaves are dirty! Somebody [censored] on them!" He sent them far away to look for better ones. While they were gone, he wrapped up the salmon and buried it in the fire. When it was ready, he ate the whole thing all by himself, wrapped up the bones and put them back in the fire.

When the birds returned, Raven said, "You're too slow. I already got my own leaves. Now it's time to dig out our feast!" When they opened the bundle, they saw nothing but bones! "I don't understand how such a thing could happen!" Raven said. "Must be some bad spirits around here." He could see that the birds were suspicious, so he decided to distract them. "Tell you what, " he said. "We'll forget all about that old salmon. Dress each other up and I will give you names."

The birds had lots of fun dressing up. They tied up the blue jay's hair with a string. They added a long tail to one bird, put yellow spots on another, and a red breast on another. Raven named them and told them what to do. He told the grouse to live high up where it is wintry. He told ptarmigan to teach people how to make snowshoes, because he was good at travelling on the surface of the snow. He told the robin to make people happy with his whistle, and appointed the wild canary head of the small birds. He gave talons to the eagle and told him he would have sharp eyesight and be above all the other birds. Nowadays, the birds still do exactly what Raven told them.

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Native American Starlore - The Native American Guide to the Constellations and their origins.

Title: Canoe Race
Tribe: Chinook
Region: Southwest Washington
Object: Orion
A big canoe (Orion's belt) and a small canoe (Orion's dagger) are in a race to see who can be the first to catch a salmon in the Big River (Milky Way). The little canoe is winning the race. Can you tell which star is the fish? It is the very bright star in the middle of the river (Sirius).

Title: Bear and Three Hunters
Tribe: Musquakie
Region: Wisconsin
Object: Big Dipper
The bowl stars of the Big Dipper form a bear. The stars of the Dipper's handle are hunters. The tiny star near the elbow of the handle is a small dog named "Hold Tight." In autumn, when the Dipper is low to the horizon, the blood from the bear's arrow wounds drips on the trees and turns them red and brown.

Title: Maui's Hook
Tribe: Maori
Region: South Pacific
Object: Scorpius
Maui was a powerful god but a poor fisherman. He snagged his hook (Scorpius) and line on the bottom of the sea and thought he had hooked a big fish. He pulled hard and pulled up the North Island of New Zealand, Te ika a Maui - The fish of Maui.

Title: Spider God
Tribe: Blackfoot
Region: North Dakota, Montana
Object: Corona Borealis
The Spider God (Corona Borealis) sits in his web (Hercules) and watches over the land. Sometime he climbs down the summer Milky Way to visit the Earth.

Title: Grizzly Bear
Tribe: Shoshoni
Region: Wyoming, Southern Idaho
Object: Cygnus

A grizzly bear (Cygnus) climbed up a tall mountain to go hunting in the sky. As he climbed, the snow and ice clung to the fur of his feet and legs. Crossing the sky the ice crystals trailed behind him forming the Milky Way.

Title: Elk Skin
Region: Central Washington
Object: Cassiopeia
A Hunter killed a great elk and stretched the skin to dry by driving wooden stakes through it. Afterwards he threw the skin into the sky (Cassiopeia) where the light above shines through the stake holes forming stars.

Title: Coyote's Eyeball
Region: Pacific Northwest
Object: Arcturus
The Coyote liked to show off to the girls by juggling his eyeballs. One day he threw one so high it stuck in the sky (Arcturus).

Title: Two Dogs
Tribe: Cherokee
Region: Tennesee, North Carolina
Object: Canis Major
There are two dogs (alpha and beta Canis Majori) who guard the path to the land of souls. To get past the dogs one should bring food. Be warned, if you give food to the first dog (alpha) he will let you pass, but if you fail to save some food for the second dog (beta) you will be trapped between them forever.

Title: Grizzly Sisters
Tribe: Sierra
Region: California
Object: Aries
Grizzly sisters (Aries) use to play with Deer sisters in a cave. One day Grizzly mother ate Deer mother. Deer sisters retaliated by trapping Grizzly sisters in the cave.


Painting by Richard Hook
Title: Six Wives
Tribe: Western Mono
Region: Central California
Object: Taurus
Six wives (Pleiades cluster) were hiking in the woods and discovered some wild onions. They ate the onions which gave them skunk breath. Their Husbands (Hyades cluster) threw them out of their huts. When the wives went up into the sky to live, the lonely husbands eventually followed but never catch up to them.

Title: Walks All Over the Sky
Tribe: Tsimshian
Region: Pacific Northwest
Object: Sun, Moon, Stars
Back when the sky was completely dark there was a chief with two sons, a younger son, One Who Walks All Over the Sky, and an older son, Walking About Early. The younger son was sad to see the sky always so dark so he made a mask out of wood and pitch (the Sun) and lit it on fire. Each day he travels across the sky. At night he sleeps below the horizon and when he snores sparks fly from the mask and make the stars. The older brother became jealous. To impress their father he smeared fat and charcoal on his face (the Moon) and makes his own path across the sky.

Title: Three Legged Rabbit
Tribe: Western Rocky
Region: Rocky Mts.
Object: Sun, Moon, Stars
A three legged rabbit made himself a fourth leg from wood. The rabbit thought the Sun was too hot for comfort so he went to see what could be done. He went east at night to the place where the Sun would rise. When the Sun was half way up the Rabbit shot it with an arrow. As the Sun lay wounded on the ground the Rabbit took the white of the Suns eyes and made the clouds. He made the black part of the eyes into the sky, the kidneys into stars, and the liver into the Moon, and the heart into the night. "There!" said the Rabbit, "You will never be too hot again."

Title: Coyote and Eagle Steal the Sun and Moon
Tribe: Zuni
Region: New Mexico, Arizona
Object: Sun, Moon
Back when it was always dark, it was also always summer. Coyote and Eagle went hunting. Coyote was a poor hunter because of the dark. They came to the Kachinas, a powerful people. The Kachinas had the Sun and the Moon in a box. After the people had gone to sleep the two animals stole the box. At first Eagle carried the box but Coyote convinced his friend to let him carry it. The curious Coyote opened the box and the Sun and Moon escaped and flew up to the sky. This gave light to the land but it also took away much of the heat, thus we now have winter.

Title: Boy and the Sun
Tribe: Hopi
Region: Northern Arizona
Object: Sun, Moon, Milky Way

Painting by Richard Hook
A boy once lived with his mother's mother for he didn't know who his father was. His grandmother said to ask the Sun about his father, surely the Sun would know. One morning the boy made a flour of crushed tortoise shell, cornmeal, coral, and seashells. He threw the flour upwards and it made a path into the sky (Milky Way). He climbed the path and when he found the Sun he asked "Who is my father?" and the Sun replied, "You have much to learn." The boy fell to Earth. He then made a wooden box from a Cottonwood tree and sealed himself in it as it floated west down a river to find the Sun again. The box washed ashore where two rivers join. He was freed from the box by a young female rattlesnake. Together they traveled west to find the Sun. They saw a meteor fall into the sea on its way to the Sun's house. They asked it for a ride. In this way they made it to the Sun's house. There they met the Sun's mother (the Moon) who was working on a piece of turquoise. That evening when the Sun came home from his days work, the boy asked again, "Who is my father?" And then the Sun replied "I think I am."

Title: Sun and her Daughter
Tribe: Cherokee
Region: Tennesee, North Carolina
Object: Sun, Moon
As the Sun traveled across the sky she would stop in the middle each day to have dinner at her daughter's house. Now the Sun hated people because they would always squint when they looked at her. "They screw up their faces at me!" she told her brother the Moon. "I like them," said the Moon, "they always smile at me." They Sun was jealous and decided she would kill the people by sending a fever. Many people were dying and those remaining decided they would have to kill the Sun. With some magic, one of the people was turned into a rattlesnake and sent to wait by the daughter's door, to bite the Sun when she stopped for dinner. But when the daughter opened the door to look for her mother the snake bit her instead. The snake returned to Earth with the Sun still alive and the daughter dead. When the Sun discovered what had happened she shut herself up in the house and grieved. The people no longer had the fever but now it was cold and dark. So, seven people were chosen to visit the land where ghosts dance to see if they could retrieve the daughter. As she danced past them they struck her with rods so she fell down, then they trapped her in a box. On the trip home she complained of not being able to breath so they opened the lid just a crack. She became a redbird and escaped, flying back to the land of ghosts. Seeing the seven people return empty handed, the Sun began to cry. This caused a great flood. To amuse the Sun and stop the flood, the people danced. This is why the people do the Sun dance to this very day.

Title: Spider and the Sun
Tribe: Cherokee
Region: Tennesee, North Carolina
Object: Sun, Milky Way
In the beginning there was only darkness and people kept bumping into each other. Fox said that people on the other side of the world had plenty of light but were too greedy to share it. Possum went over there to steal a little piece of the light. He found the Sun hanging in a tree, lighting everything up. He took a tiny piece of the Sun and hid it in the fur of his tail. The heat burned the fur off his tail. That is why possums have bald tails. Buzzard tried next. He tried to hide a piece in the feathers of his head. That is why buzzards have bald heads. Grandmother Spider tried next. She made a clay bowl. Then she spun a web (Milky Way) across the sky reaching to the other side of the world. She snatched up the whole sun in the clay bowl and took it back home to our side of the world.

Title: Little Brother Snares the Sun
Tribe: Winnebago
Region: Michigan
Object: Sun
In the old days people were not the chiefs and did not hunt animals. Animals were the chiefs and hunted people. They killed all the people except one girl and her little brother. They hid in a cave. The boy learned to kill snowbirds with a bow and arrow and made a robe from the feathers. They made soup from the bodies of the birds and that was the first time people ate meat. The bright sun ruined the robe one day and the little brother swore revenge. His sister helped him fashion a snare. He traveled to the hole in the ground where the Sun rises every morning. As the Sun rose he snared it and tied it up so that there was no light or warmth that day. The animals were afraid and amazed by the boy. They sent the biggest and most fearsome animal to try and free the sun. This was the dormouse which in those days was as big as a mountain. The mouse chewed through the snare freeing the sun but meanwhile the intense heat shrunk him down to his present size. Since that time the people have been the chiefs and the hunters.

Title: The Fifth World
Tribe: Toltec
Region: Central America
Object: Sun, Earth
Five worlds and five suns were created, one after the other. The first world was destroyed because it's people acted wrongfully. They were eaten by ocelots and the sun destroyed. The second sun saw it's people turned into monkeys due to lack of wisdom. The third sun had it's world destroyed by fire, earthquakes, and volcanoes because the people didn't make sacrifices to the gods. The fourth world perished in a flood that also drowned it's sun. Before creating the fifth world, our world, the gods met in the darkness to see who would have the honor of igniting the fifth sun. Tecciztecatl volunteered. The gods built a big fire on top of a pyramid and the volunteer prepared to throw himself into the flames. He was dressed in beautiful hummingbird feathers, and gold and turquoise. Four times he tried to force himself into the suicidal fire but each time his fear drove him back. Then the lowliest of all the gods, Nanautzin, dressed in humble reeds, threw himself into the fire. Teccitztecatl was so ashamed that he too jumped into the fire. The new sun rose into the sky giving light to the fifth world.

Title: Fox and the Moon
Tribe: Snoqualmie
Region: Washington
Object: Moon
Long ago, Snoqualm (Man in the Moon), had a spider make him a rope out of cedar bark and stretch it from the sky to the Earth. One day Fox and Blue Jay found the rope and climbed up to where the rope was fixed to the underside of the sky. Blue Jay pecked a hole in the sky and they climbed through to the sky world. Blue Jay flew to a tree while Fox changed himself into Beaver and swam in a lake. Snoqualm had set a trap in the lake which caught Beaver. Snoqualm skinned him and threw the body in the corner of the smokehouse. That night when Snoqualm was asleep Beaver got up and put his skin back on. He looked around. He took a few of the trees, and the Snoqualm's daylight making tools, some fire, and the Sun which was hidden in Snoqualm's house. He changed back into Fox then he found the hole that Blue Jay had made and took the things to Earth. He planted the trees, made daylight, gave the fire to the people, and put the Sun in it's place. When Snoqualm awoke he was very angry. He found the tracks that led to the hole. He started down but the rope broke and he fell to the Earth in a heap where he became a mountain. One can see the face of Snoqualm on one of the rocky cliffs. Today it is called Mount Si and it is near Northbend in Washington State.

Title: Raven and the Sun
Tribe: Tsimshian
Region: Northwest
Object: Sun
Painting by Richard Hook
Once the sky had no day. When the sky was clear there was some light from the stars but when it was cloudy it was very dark. Raven had put fish in the rivers and fruit trees in the land but he was saddened by the darkness. The Sun at that time was kept in a box by a chief in the sky. The Raven came to a hole in the sky and went through. He came to a spring where the chief's daughter would fetch water. He changed himself into a cedar seed and floated on the water. When the girl drank from spring she swallowed the seed without noticing and became pregnant. A boy child was born which was really Raven. As a toddler he begged to play with the yellow ball that grandfather kept in a box. He was allowed to play with the Sun and when the chief looked away he turned back into Raven and flew back through the hole in the sky.

Title: Coyote, Wolves, and Bears
Tribe: Wasco
Region: Columbia River, Oregon
Object: Big Dipper
Once there were five wolves who would share meat with Coyote. One night the wolves were staring at the sky. "What are you looking at?" asked Coyote. "There are two animals up there." they told him. "But we can't get to them." "That is easy." said Coyote. He took his bow and shot an arrow into the sky where it stuck. He shot another arrow which stuck into the first. Then he shot another and another until the chain of arrow reached the ground. The five wolves and Coyote climbed the arrows and the oldest wolf took along his dog. When the reached the sky they could see that the animals were grizzly bears. The wolves went near the bears and sat there looking at them and the bears looked back. Coyote thought they looked good sitting there so he left them and removed his arrow ladder. The three stars of the handle of the Big Dipper and the two stars of the bowl near the handle are the wolves. The two stars on the front of the bowl that point to the North Star are the bears. Alcor, the little star by the wolf in the middle of the handle is the dog.

Title: Evening Star wins Morning Star
Tribe: Skidi Pawnee
Region: Kansas-Nebraska
Object: Venus
In the beginning there was only Tirawahat, which is the Universe and everything in it. Morning Star (Venus) and the Sun and the other males in sky were in favor of creating the world but Evening Star (Venus) and the Moon and the females were against it. To win the debate it was clear that Morning Star would have to win the heart of Evening Star. Many had failed, she was guarded by the Wolf (Sirius), Cougar (Auriga), Bear (Sagittarius), Bobcat (Procyon), and worst of all the Snake (Scorpius). One by one Morning Star defeated them and won the hand of Evening Star. And so the world was created.

Title: The Lost Children
Tribe: Blackfoot
Region: North Dakota, Montana
Object: Pleiades
There were once six young brothers who were orphans. They lived from handouts and wore castaway clothing. No one cared much about them except the camp's pack of dogs. They loved the dogs and played with them all day. People were unkind to the boys because of their ragged clothes and uncombed hair. The brothers were teased by the other children who wore fine buffalo robes. The boys no longer wanted to be people. They considered becoming flowers but the buffalo might eat them. Stones? No, stones could be broken. Water could be drank, trees could be cut and burned. They decided they wanted to be stars. Stars are always beautiful and always safe. Up went the boys to the sky to become stars (Pleiades). The Sun welcomed the boys and the Moon called them her lost children. Then the Sun punished the people with a drought. Meanwhile the people heard the dogs howling at the sky. The dogs missed the boys. Finally the dog cheif asked the Sun for pity because drought hurts all creatures. Then the rains came.

Title: Coyote as the Moon
Tribe: Kalispel
Region: Idaho
Object: Moon
Once there was no Moon for someone had stolen it. The people asked "Who will be the Moon?" The Yellow Fox agreed to give it a try but he was so bright it made the Earth hot at night. Then the people asked Coyote to try and he agreed. The Coyote was a good moon, not to bright - not to dim. But from his vantage point in the sky the Coyote could see what everyone was doing. Whenever he saw someone doing something dishonest he would shout "HEY! That person is stealing meat from the drying racks!" or "HEY! That person is cheating at the moccasin game!" Finally, the people who wished to do things in secret got together and said "Coyote is too noisy. Let's take him out of the sky." So someone else became the moon. Coyote can no longer see what everyone else is doing but he still tries to snoop into everyone else's business.

Title: Fisher goes to Skyland
Tribe: Anishinabe
Region: Great Lakes
Object: Big Dipper
Fisher was a small animal but a great hunter. Hunting was difficult in those days because it was always winter. "Come with me." he told his friends, "We will go where the Earth is closest to Skyland. The Skyland is always warm and we will bring some of the warmth down to Earth." The Otter, Lynx and Wolverine traveled with Fisher up the mountains, closer and closer to Skyland. When they were very close Fisher said "We must jump up and break through to the land above the sky." The Otter jumped up and bumped his head on the sky. He fell on his back and slid all the way down the mountain. Lynx jumped up and bumped so hard it knocked him unconscious. Wolverine jumped up and bumped hard against the sky. He jumped again and again until the sky cracked a little. He jumped again and broke through. Fisher jumped through after him. They found Skyland to be a beautiful place, full of warmth and plants and flowers. They found cages full of birds which they released. The birds flew through the crack in the sky to the world below. The warmth of Skyland began to flow to the Earth and melt the snow. The Sky-People came out of the lodges and said "Thieves! They are taking our warm weather!" Wolverine escaped back through the crack but Fisher started working to make the crack bigger. He knew that if it were too small the Sky-People might be able to patch it. The Sky-People began chasing him and shooting arrows. Athough he was powerful, they eventually hit a fatal spot. The great Gitchee Manitou took pity on poor Fisher because he had tried to help his friends. He healed him and placed him in the sky (Big Dipper). Each autumn as Fisher is falling towards Earth the Sky-People try to patch the crack and Winter comes. Then in spring Fisher climbs back high in the sky and reopens the crack and Summer comes.

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Wow, Vance - you really fed the fire!!! That is a lot of sticks, I tell you what! I read each and every one and enjoyed them so much. Thanks for making me smile.

Last edited by Phyllis D. Burns; 02/20/08 12:12 PM.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
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The woman of the household had no "lord and master" when it came to deciding where she and her children would live.
In the home there came into being the faith and simplicity that marked the native people. There took root their virtues and cultural attributes. Forces, sensed but not seen, called good, went into the deep consciousness of these young minds, planted there by the Indian mother who taught her boy honesty, fearlessness and duty, and her girl industry, loyalty and fidelity. Into the character of babes and children mother-strength left the essence of strong manhood and womanhood. Every son was taught to be generous to the point of sacrifice, truthful no matter what the cost, and brave to the point of death. These impulses - generosity, truthfulness, and bravery - may be dressed and polished in schools and universities, but their fundamental nature is never touched.
After childhood days, mothers still could not forsake the part of guide and teacher - for youth, as well as childhood, must be directed, and there was no substitute. So Lakota mothers taught youth how to worship and pray, how to know mercy and kindness, and how to seek right and justice. - Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Lakota.

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It is the mothers, not the warriors, who create a people and guide their destiny. - Luther Standing Bear, Oglala, Lakota

Last edited by Phyllis D. Burns; 03/02/08 06:03 PM.

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I come to White Painted Woman,
By means of long life I come to her.
I come to her by means of her blessing,
I come to her by means of her good fortune,
I come to her by means of all her different fruits,
By means of the long life she bestows, I come to her.
By means of this holy truth she goes about.

I am to sing this song of yours,
The song of long life.
Sun, I stand here on the Earth with your song,
Moon, I have come in with your song.

White Painted Woman's power emerges,
Her power for sleep.
White Painted Woman carries this girl;
She carries her through long life,
She carries her to good fortune,
She carries her to old age,
She bears her to peaceful sleep.

You have started out on the Good Earth;
You have started out with good moccasins;
With moccasin strings of the rainbow, you have started out,
With mocassin strings of the Sun's ray, you have started out,
In the midst of plenty you have started out.

- Song for girls' puberty rights, Chiracahua Apache

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
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Burning cedar with the green berries still on it can drive away negativity and bad spirits:

When my Mother's sister came to visit, she used to burn cedar, which had green berries. When it was smoking, she would take it into every room to drive away all the evil spirits and keep them away. She always prayed when smoking the room. I use that cedar myself once in a while, even today. It was good and really worked. Today cedar is used in all ceremonies, including the Sun Dance, to drive away evil spirits that might interfere with prayers or harm people. - Agnes Yellowtail Deernose, Absaroke

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Crow Indian Water-Medicine - Blackfoot Legend

Once a Crow Indian had a son killed in war. He was in mourning, so he took his lodge into the mountains and camped there that he might have dreams in which power would be given him to revenge the death of his son.

He slept in the mountains ten nights. At last as he was sleeping, he had a dream, and in this dream, he heard drumming and singing. Then a man appeared and said, "Come over here: there is dancing." So he followed the man. They came to a lodge in which there were many old men and women. There were eight men with drums. He also saw weasel-skins, skins of the mink and otter, a whistle, a smudge-stick, some wild turnip for the smudge, and some berry-soup in a kettle. One old woman had an otter-skin with a weasel-skin around it like a belt. So the man staid there, learned the songs that these people sang, and when he came back to his people he started the Crow-water-medicine. Since that time he has had other dreams: and the skins of the beaver, the muskrat, all kinds of birds, etc., with many songs for each, have been added.

This medicine has great power. If any one wishes a horse, he calls in some of the Crow-water-medicine people. Then they pray, sing, and dance.

The power of this medicine is such that after a while a man may come along and say, "I have had a bad dream. You must paint me, that the dream may not come true." Then he gives a horse as a fee. The medicine has power also in treating the sick. The people who have this medicine meet at regular times, - on Sundays and at the time of the new moon. They paint their faces with a broad red stripe across the forehead, and one across the mouth and cheeks. A rectangle of red is also painted on the back of each hand. Some wear plumes.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
Phyllis Doyle Burns
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popping into say Hello!

Just wanted to say - as a stories enthusiast how charmed and intrigued I was to learn about the Stars ideas (yes, I am into astronomy as well!)

Hercules is in fact above us in the Western hemisphere these nights - he is gradually drifting over the roof and away.

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Thank you for visiting, Siobhain. It is always nice to see a see a new visitor here. Did you read Vance's starlore post? He has some really great ones.

Walk in Peace and Harmony.
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