Today is Monday and I think I may have to change my routine a little. My body felt weak and stiff since I hadn't worked out over the weekend. Maybe I'll take a day off in the week and workout on Saturday.

So today I rode the recumbent bike for 20m. I knew I needed to do some physical therapy for my shoulders so I did the PT routine using dumbbells and resistance bands. Wow! I did 15 reps and 3 sets. My arms were jello.

I did lateral flies; shoulder presses; bent rows; bicep curls; triceps overhead extensions. With the bands and lying on a bench I did chest presses; lateral raises; and diagonal pulls.

Then I did my relaxing stretch out yoga routine that I wrote which is part seated and the rest on my back. Felt good. Total time apx. 1 hour.

My "bench" is actually a large ottoman. I didn't have the fitness ball handy. Sorry excuse. Tomorrow I will bring the fitness ball downstairs so it will be there when I'm ready to use it.

Looking forward to hearing from you. What did you do today or over the weekend. Maybe you live somewhere that's warm and you took a nice long walk. Let us know. TJ