Hi guys, the haboobs are very impressive, but Australia's experiences with dust storms comes nowhere near the "dirty thirties" dust storms in America during the 1930's. Am reading about them at present. Amazing.

Yes Angie, the fires in Tasmania have been awful. My friend Annie's son lost his home, cars and caravan and all his tools in the fire at Dunalley. You might have seen the photo on the web that went viral of a grandmother and her five grandchildren who's only option to escape being burnt alive was to enter the water and stand in neck high water sheltering under a jetty for hours. Here's a link to that picture if you're interested.


The photos were taken by the grandfather as he stood in the water with the family. Amazing images.

Other parts of Australia have been affected by bushfires. They said it would be a bad year this year and they were right.

Hope all's well with you guys

Cheerio for now

Judie Bellingham
Editor Australia & Quilting Sites
