Misstalia - Thanks. At least that incident made me see him in a different light. Once I realized he did not truly understand me, I realized I was much better off without him. I then was able to move on. A few friends have said that maybe he thought if he threatened to end it, I would agree to have a kid. So, even at that point he may have still thought I would change my mind. Obviously, that did not happen. If that is true, it is kind of sad he would want to have a kid via ultimatum like that. Sammuel - Many moms also work outside of the home these days, some even earn more than their partners. Still, various studies show that even when both parents work, the mom does more at home. Moms also worry constantly about their children's well being, not just dads. The effects of raising children generally do not impact both parents equally. The workplace is one example. Mothers who work tend to get paid less and receive fewer promotions, because their childcare responsibilities often conflict with their work. Of course there are some cases where the father may be a single dad or stay home with the kids, but these are exceptions.