Misstalia, unfortunately they aren't entirely to blame. Society has told them that all women will (one day) experience this unignorable biological urge. The TV tells them, their parents tell them, their friends tell them, newspapers tell them. Growing up they are indoctrinated (as us women are) into believing that one day we will experience that biological urge and that urge will surpass any objections to having children. I can understand why when only one person is telling them otherwise (i.e. their partner/wife) that they go with the majority view.

This is why it's good that us childfree are getting more press coverage and are more vocal, other generations will realise that their partner/wife will stick with her convictions.

I didn't have my childfree status put into my vows but I did have any mention of "and when blessed with children" removed from the ceremony. Indeed children weren't mentioned at all.