How about suggesting you meet somewhere that she can get to without you having to pick her up. How about you suggest an activity that doesn't require any money. I can think of about 100 things I used to do with my friends that required zero money, zero food, and zero whining : )

A therapist told me a while back that when you become friends with people you kind of sign a mental contract with them but that doesn't mean the terms can't change at any point. If that friend isn't treating you the way you like then change the contract.

I've never had friends use me for money but I've had people dump all their issues on me without ever listening to mine. I finally changed this so now when they start up with their crying I only listen as much as I feel I can and then say anyway, I'm sure you'll figure it out how bout that t.v. show or new song by so and so or did I tell you about what happened at work the other day....

Last edited by ExerciseEditor; 11/11/10 06:40 PM.

Monica Neave ISSA Certified Fitness Therapist

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