[quote=Phyllis, Native American]What are the positive aspects? Does the positive outweigh the negative? I would make a list of the good and the bad and ask yourself "What is my best choice here? Put up with it or tell her how I feel?"
I would simply tell her: I cannot continue paying for your meals when we go out, and I could use some help with gas expense when I provide your transportation. If she is really a friend she should understand and accept this. Sometimes close friends do not realize when they are taking advantage of us -- especially if we are not open and honest with them.[/quote]
It's kind of pointless to ask her to help pay when she is jobless. I'm relatively giving and want to help her, but then she just keeps on taking as if it's no big deal. Sometimes I feel like her boyfriend or husband --- taking care of her.
I'll have to think about what you've said some more....